#559 took part in an Auto Solo yesterday.....


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160 miles is no distance at all ;)

AutoSolo is about the only kind of motorsport I've come across where you don't need an MSA competitor's license.... All you need is a valid driving licence, road tax and MOT - plus normally membership of the club that's running the event (or an affiliated club)

It's all forward-facing, which means you don't have to 'reverse into garages' etc..... if you get the route right then you shouldn't need to engage reverse at all! But if you get it wrong, then you may reverse back up the course and correct where you went wrong, without incurring any penalties other than the extra time it takes you!

There didn't seem to be any age restrictions on it, either - there were a couple of young lads taking part who were only 14 or so - the only thing THEY needed that was different from anyone else was consent from a parent / guardian and someone has to sit in with them while they go round the course.

When you arrive you're given a 'plan' of the course and time to 'walk' it before you have to drive it. Once the competition starts, you just drive the course as quick as you can whilst making sure you don't go the wrong way or hit any cones! They accumulate your times for the day (you make several runs and 'drop' your slowest time) and the winner is the person with the lowest time overall.

Obviously the course is different at different venues and they may vary the course during the day as well. Dunk found the one at Lymm to be very tight - especially in a wide puma - but some of the AutoSolo events are held on airfields etc and they tend to have a bit more room to manoeuvre!

As in AutoTests, there are different classes depening on engine size and whether your car is standard or modified / stripped out..... turns out Dunk would've been up against the likes of Caterhams and Westfields if there had been any there because his car is far from standard ;)

Dunk really enjoyed it although he was still getting used to the concept a bit I think, lol.... we'd deffo recommend it as a cheap and easy form of motorsport, especially as you don't need lots of fancy equipment in order to take part! Only thing is, you might well use up some rubber.... the F2 was covered in rubber dust at the end of the day!

(sorry, didn't realise I was going to go on for so long, lol)
Nope :(

http://www.facebook.com/login.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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And when I tried the link whilst logged in I got

This content is currently unavailable

The page you requested can not be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.

Maybe you have to be friends too?
hmm..... I thought a 'public link' should let anyone at all see it.... oh well, I'll bung em on photobucket too, then :)

will be back with a link soon!

Great pics as always Caz!

I now have a valid excuse to buy a proper mini!
thanks :) but I wish I'd taken my other lens with me... most of the pics are a bit far away, lol....

If you're wondering about why there are lots of astra pics, then it's because it was being driven by people we know - they're taking it on the Home 2 Rome run in a few weeks to raise money for charity :)