Alarm problems


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Feb 12, 2013
essex boy worcestershire
Right I have a spare Puma which is not on the road.I occasionally run it and move it but don’t normally lock it.Ran it recently and foolishly locked drivers door with key.Tried to reopen it and couldn’t so went in through rear hatch and unlocked drivers door which set off alarm and hazards.So now whenever I connect a battery hazards and alarm go off,alarm stops after couple of minutes but hazards continue but I can start and move car,help!
Since the door has since been unlocked why does the alarm continue to sound I wonder?
I am aware that there is a micro switch within the door that's a major strip down job to get to that controls the interior light.

Ignore the switches on the door pillar are dummies as they have no wires connected to them.

Perhaps because you have opened the door from the inside , the micro switch controlling the interior light, might also be connected to the alarm, and doesn't get deactivated?

In any event I guess the best bet is to try and free up the exterior key lock , or use the key fob blipper.

Spray WD40 or GT85 spray into the lock using the straw and very gentle wiggling back and forth of the key usually frees it off. Be patient so as not to snap the key . This could take you 45 minutes with care , to free off the lock.
When your done , do the same with the passenger door.

I've successfully done this on both doors , however I couldn't free off the tailgate key lock fitted to the offside rear light.