Can someone PLEASE explain this to me.


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New member
Dec 11, 2011
Long story short.

Me and my friends daughter applied for a job at the same place at a hotel in Cheshire.

I'm in my mid 20's with two degrees (Ok they're in the same subject) I've worked pretty much every month since I left school, the last four years being in hospitality, I have plenty of references, own transport etc etc.

My friends daughter is 17 and has pretty much zero work experience and hasn't even completed her A levels.... yet they offered her the job.

What am I missing here?

Probably the fact that I don't have decent cleavage...

As you can probably see, I'm not happy in the slightest.
If that was the case though, wouldn't they have realised this before my interview on my application form?

Makes me wonder why I bother even bother sometimes.
Depends what your degrees were for, and whether they were of any relevance to the job in question.
Have to agree whit Bentleya on this one...

isn't there also a rule that buisnesses has to hire so and so manny females ? there is atleast here, it's a stupid lav, the job should go to the most qualefyed person for the job, regardless of gender..

maby they thought they could pay her less because she is younger? :)
I think for under 18's the minimum wage is £3.90 odd per hour.. For me it's £6.50.

If I was running a business, I would much rather pay that little bit more in wages to employ someone who has experience in the field and can pretty much walk in and get on with it needing minimal training.
You haven't said what the job was, how flexible you were Vs her, a simple mention of not liking working christmas, or such like can put you out of the running

Also many employers don't like employing someone who has previously been in a supervisory/management role in a lower grade role, as they tend to spend more time telling their superiors how to do the job better, rather than just getting on with what they are told.

maybe there is a sexist element to it, but most employers will be bomb proof with 'genuine reasons' why they picked one person over another.

Perhaps I'm talking out of place, as I don't know you, but from an outsider, there is probably a good chance, going by your post they saw Girl as someone who wanted to learn, train, get loyalty from, get brainwashed into company way and work way up the ladder, and rightly or wrongly saw you as after the job as a stop gap till something better came along.
Could be they saw you as maybe being 'above' the job, and more likely to not want to be there long term.
jimfrp88 said:
[post]328808[/post] I think for under 18's the minimum wage is £3.90 odd per hour.. For me it's £6.50.

If I was running a business, I would much rather pay that little bit more in wages to employ someone who has experience in the field and can pretty much walk in and get on with it needing minimal training.
I can assure you from my experience of the hospitality industry, that this is not a common sight. The employer will have a few well trained staff and then loads of under 18s who do a few months and then move on, not requiring any real training as they do a very remedial job. Now I don't know the ins and outs of the job you applied for but I do know how hospitality employers think.
I've only worked in two hotels. Both had a very high turnover of staff (usually the G.M or Restaurant Manager). They probably only need the cheap labour, and don't require someone with better experience who would cost more. It totally sucks but it's business. Could you try applying for more senior roles? Trainee manager etc?
A little question to the last three posters in this thread. Did none of you notice that the original thread is nearly two years old? :hide:
Hi, in some companies you'll get a mind set that no experience is what they are looking for, they will provide training along with a lower pay but a promise of greater benefits after training, people with expertise and knowledge in the job they are applying for can lose out because of this mainly because they will command a higher pay package and will want to impress people with their knowledge and it doesn't always go down well with some, that said I would always go with age and experience but that's probably because I'm fifty something and a grumpy old sod