Fan blades


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New member
Oct 12, 2013
I have a set of fan blades on my 98 but centre cap for one is missing is there anyone that likes these wheels cause I don't really like em not really my thing.
Are you trying to work out whether other people like them? If so, the answer is yes, there are definitely quite a few people who do.

Or are you trying to find out if someone wants to buy them?

If the latter, then you'll need to put a for sale thread up, and this one will be clsoed. :eek:k:
Yes, I like them. I think the prop alloys define the Puma and look far better than the later multispokes.

Still, each to their own.
I like the multi-spokes, but it's the fan-blade alloys that I always remember when I was younger. They are unique to the car (I don't think they fitted them to any other Fords did they?).
I don't think they were fitted to any others. I'm not trying to sell em just wondering I'd like to get some deep dish 5 spokes but not till I can afford em any way. I kinda like the way they curve it but I think the blades are a little to wide. When I get my new wheels ill referb the old fan blades and put em up on here probly for free or for a flowed TB&MAF or something.
I might have an old centre cap kicking around still for a propeller alloy you can have it for the cost of postage if I find it.?

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