Headlight Rubber Seal


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New member
Feb 11, 2013
Hi all,
I've had a search through previous threads but can't seem to find the info I'm after.
The rubber seal around the edge of my drivers headlight is broken (sadly was like it when I bought it)
I was just wondering what the best way is to repair/replace this?
Can you just buy new rubber? Or is it a part of the light itself and I'll need to buy a whole unit?

I'm sure you know what I mean, but here's a pic to help.



When you are talking about (head)lights... Mine have a certain amount of moisture inside them. Is there a fix for that? Any way of resealing the head and rear lights? Or, any other idea?
Fronts should have a drain pipe that hangs down behind them. Other than that there's not much except taking them out and dehumidifying and putting them back in.

Rears are not a sealed unit as such but there's a seal between the light unit and the car. If you take the light out with the three 10mm nuts you'll see if that is sitting correctly.
Thanks for the info. I just hit a raindear that jumped from forrest :twisted: :twisted:
In fact, she hit me; I am after the front left wing and left headlight :|
I am really pissed off at the moment.... :x :x
Hey Ian G, thanks for the info.
PM me your details and I'll some monies your way :grin:

Damn Coyote! Are you sure it wasn't that pesky Road Runner? :p
Oh and Ian, while you're at it, would you happen to also have a drivers side rear bumper cover? (I think that's the term for it)
It's the small D shaped piece that sits next to the reflector/fog light and covers the toe hook hole.
Drivers side.
In the above colour if poss (Pacific Green)

Wild E. Coyote said:
Thanks for the info. I just hit a raindear that jumped from forrest :twisted: :twisted:
In fact, she hit me; I am after the front left wing and left headlight :|
I am really pissed off at the moment.... :x :x
You missed the red nose?!
Like hell, he hit me! He jumped out of forest and hit me in my left front wing. The wing is repairable, but the headlight is gone.
Shit happens....... :twisted:
Nada. According to our laws, raindeer belongs to local hunters organisation..... :roll: :roll: :roll:
So, they came, they took a look, and they took it..... :cry: :cry: :cry:
Hi there Ian,
Sent Payment and a PM on Friday morning.
Did you receive the money ok?


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