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New member
Oct 28, 2008
I'm not sure where to put this thread but I need some help.
Ive had a few problems with vandals on my other car and I can never relax when I take it out. :-(
The puma interests me because it looks great but there is no such thing as a new one. I was thinking about getting one for driving to places where I cant use secure parking.
Anyone seen any good ones for sale?
Or maybe had problems with vandals? How can I deal with them?

Ive put a camera out side my flat beceus of the little shits! Its a council flat but had loads of problems with damages to the cars not my puma fortunately.
Hi Matt. There are lots of Pumas out there, finding a good one isn't that different to finding a good example of any other car, just mainly that you need to check for rust more than most cars. As for the vandals, there's little you can do to stop them doing exterior damage.
Im not worried about at home it's very secure there but the other day I used and underground carpark and still returned to find a group of youths oggling it! To be fair they didnt do any damage that day but then they werent really given a chance because I worry about it quite alot.
On the downside I dont live in the city and like to drive there obviously!
Get a talking alarm; usually scares the b-g-bus out of people.

As for Pumas, there are plenty about and i've seen many bargains to had in the current market state. It's a buyers market!

Look at a few before deciding.
Matts has a talking car alarm and it DOES scare me all the time!! :hide:
But he means the "hoods"! In Belfast city centre!
They scare me more!
once a millie attcked me outside a club and scratched jims bonnet! Jim was my old black mini cooper. :shock:
Sell the car and buy a hummer with a steering lock.. could keep a big snake in it too?

Unfortunately there's not much more you can do, you park a car in the place you feel safest at leas that's some solace when you walk away.

Else as you say get a Puma which you don't car as much about and leave it where ever you like!!
If youve got a snake please dont post a picture of it, i cant look at them.

I would get a decent alarm to complement the standard ford one, which is only a perimiter alarm and wont go off with a smashed window. Clifford, Scorpian and Toad are 3 good makes. Nobody can steal it with the immobiliser though, not unless they have the key.
Thanks Dradus
well I will If i get a ford. Very good advice!
I was talking about my other car which I'm considering getting another car to ease some of the worry and presure, soemthing slightly less statement but so my girlfriend wont think ive become a bore... :s

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