Well-known member
Shame you scratched the steering column shroud - YES...I spotted it!!!!
Otherwise nice job
Otherwise nice job
Shame you scratched the steering column shroud - YES...I spotted it!!!!
Otherwise nice job
I have learnt this the hard way. Colleague of mine has recommended braided fuel lines from Gates, they should be a good quality but still for reasonable price, so I will give them a go.Poor quality parts, especially fuel hose can cause problems, even using E5 petrol.
That sounds good, there is so much rubbish out there, even some branded items are poor.I have learnt this the hard way. Colleague of mine has recommended braided fuel lines from Gates, they should be a good quality but still for reasonable price, so I will give them a go.
Yeah, I believe that the local governing bodies do not have much trust in people not to run the cars even without the vehicle insurance (we do not have to pay vehicle tax as private entities, only businesses have this obligation - for now!), so we have to hand in the license plates with part of the registration documents (so nobody sells the car while it is in "deposit"). If you keep the car in deposit longterm, you have to renew it after some time, otherwise the vehicle register office will scrap the plates with the documentation and then the car cannot be registered ever again (only if it is +30 years old, then it can be re-registered as a classic car) and is only good for scrap. Yeah...our rules for vehicle registration rules are quite complicated.Hope you get it back up and running soon!
Here in the UK we don't hand the registration plates in as such, we have something called statutory off road notification "SORN" which is where you don't have to pay the annual vehicle tax because you've declared that the car will not be used.
Ahoj, jsem rád, že jsem tu narazil na krajana! Přeji mnoho šťastných km s Pumou, i po více než 5ti letech mě nepřestává bavit. Navíc komunita kolem těchto aut, jak v Čechách, tak i zde na zahraničních fórech je opravdu skvělá.Ahoj! Jsem necelý měsíc vlastníkem Pumy a jsem okouzlený. Jelikož jsem skoro o 30let starší již jsem jezdil různými auty, ale Puma mne opravdu okouzlila. Opravdu se zájmem jsem přečetl tvůj příběh s Pumou. Jelikož jsi první čech na kterého jsem narazil tak ti píšu. Další důvod je, že nemusím používat překladač. Pěkný den. S Pumou obzvlášť.
Haven't done an update on my Puma in quite some while.
I have done only little jobs on the car since the fuel line disaster and most of them were repairs, (funnily enough most of them were around the fuel system again ).
I noticed that the Puma had developed a starting problem. When the car was shut off for a while it was cranking for absurdly long (around 2 seconds) before it fired up and then the exhaust was smelling of petrol and running very rich before the lambda sensor kicked in. So I suspected that the car was overfueling during the start up phase. After doing some diagnostics I have tracked the problem down to the second cylinder injector leaking. Whitin a minute a drop of fuel developed on the tip of the injector when closed.
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So I bit the bullet and bought a full set of second hand injectors (for a very good price) and after putting them on the test bench all of them turned out OK. So i just put new O-rings on them, cleaned the ports in the head and put them in the car. And the problem was gone!
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My other problem with the fuel system was luckily just a tiny one. One day I left track of fuel drips behind me. I tracked it down to one of the fuel line clamps on the filter being crumpled and it just stopped sealing.
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Other than that the Puma has been splendid over the summer and I have only done some regular maintenance.
Now to some tinkering. I have become quite annoyed by having a phone mount on the dash (which also destroyed one of my air vents) and having to use a FM transmitter when I wanted to listen to Spotify (which I do a lot) I have swapped my old Pioneer radio for a second hand 1 DIN touch screen with Apple Carplay and it is working brilliantly. Only thing that bothers me is that it has no physical knob for volume control. So for that I have bought a steering column controller from a Mk1 Focus and plan to implement it to the system as I have seen other guys do on this forum. I have also bought the whole silver surrnound and swapped out the broken air vent.
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I have also aquired a set of new headlight rubbers from Emma, so I am planning on restoring my other set of headlight lenses since they are in a better shape from the inside and the current ones are starting to be a little faded.
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Because I will be selling my other car, I will have to prepare the Puma for the winter again. But since the winters in the last couple of years are quite weak, it should be no problem. I will just have to keep an eye out for the road salt and wash the underside of the car regularly.
Děkuji za pozdrav a odpověď. Ano fórum se mi moc líbí a čtu jej postupně skoro celé. Křídlo nejspíš myslíš přesně to co mám na autě i já. Děkuji za nabídku. AhojAhoj, jsem rád, že jsem tu narazil na krajana! Přeji mnoho šťastných km s Pumou, i po více než 5ti letech mě nepřestává bavit. Navíc komunita kolem těchto aut, jak v Čechách, tak i zde na zahraničních fórech je opravdu skvělá.
PS: leží mi doma křídlo na Pumu s brzdovým světlem, neměl bych zájem? Již jsem ho párkrát nabízel v české FB skupině, ale nikdy nebyl zájem. A nechávat ho posílat někomu odsud do zahraničí by bylo celkem drahé.