I almost hit my puma.......it bit me :(


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New member
Oct 27, 2009
not long into my puma ownership, and i have already had an array of problems.

My alarm went off after trying to start the car. I put this down to a dodgy lock on the passenger side, so after the RAC disconnected my alarm horn and alarm fuse, I decided to investigate the lock.......BIG MISTAKE!!!!

After taking the 3 screws out and the wing mirror cover, I took off the door card and investigated. Where I needed to be was stuck behind the window, so I decided to unbolt the frame and work at it that way. With the frame out, the window would surely follow.


After unbolting the framework, I found that the locking mechanism was stopping the frame from coming out. With the loose frame, I decided to squeeze the window out, clearly in the knowledge that it may shatter. Luckily, the window came out and gave me a bit more access.

I couldn't get the frame out, or the locking mechanism, so decided to try and remove that metal plate covering the lock.


Those plates do not like coming off, and sure as hell don't want to go back on........so its in the bin!

I found that the lock had a retaining screw missing, which was luckily in the bottom of the door! So I started putting it all back together, trapped my finger in the window and swore a lot! (this is the point where it bit me, and I nearly back handed the bloody thing!)

Its all back together adnd the lock doesn't spin anymore. I'm going to put my alarm fuse back in because I've cleaned the connectors to the boot too, so hopefully the lock and boot jobs I've done will have solved the issue.

I just have to tackle the driver's side lock now as it needs the wafers in the barrel replacing.

Bloody cars.....I love 'em :)
haha that is a funny episode!

Glad you got sorted mate... if its any consolation my car tried to take my hand off fitting bonnet lifters a while ago... it dropped and ate my hand! ouch!