Apparently the only Puma there was for sale, it wasn't an FRP, I think it sold for about £7k !Bit disappointed yesterday not to see any "classic" Pumas there. None on any of the the club stands that I could see.
any Thoughts?
I go to a lot of local classic car shows, plus some further away, it's always great to meet another Puma owner or more, the Puma's are usually well received and get a fair bit of attention.It's hard for people to step up and organise meets and/or shows and when you do you hope that you can muster interest from fellow owners, we've seen even the big shows like Ford Fair garner no support and end up being canned, which is of course disappointing both to those who may have shown interest, but also the organiser.
I'd say as the number of road worthy Pumas continue to diminish, that it'll only be a handful of key events that enthusiasts will attend outside of their local shows.