motorbike fora


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New member
Aug 4, 2008
Sparrow Green, Norfolk (it's a place!)
right, dont laugh but, in my very old age, i'm going to do my cbt asap so's i can learn to ride a motorbike. this has come to pass as i have had the misfortune to be on the back of a scooter once (1981) and a motorbike once (2009) - i didnt last more than a couple of hundred yards on either - lol...however, knowing that i'm a shit car passenger, i figured there had to be more to it (cos i luuuuuurve driving flissy) so i had a motorbike lesson - just to see if i could see what the fuss is about.

oh boy, i could! :cool:

so, my dad has given me some christmas money (most will go on bills *sigh) but, i'm determined to keep a hundred or so back to do my cbt asap.

so, the question, eventually, is does anyone know any good motorbike fora for a (nearer middle aged than she'd like) lady?? like this one - a laugh but full of good information and kind intentions...

i have to say that i know less about bikes than cars and, considering i believe flissy to run on pixiemagic, you can see i need all the help i can get!

obviously, this will be in addition to fliss, she's going nowhere without me! :)

what say you, guys and gals

t xx
You could try" onclick=";return false;

They are a good bunch over there, organise local events 'ride outs' and will generally try and help out where possible.

Enjoy your CBT .. they last 2 years and you'll at least be able to ride a 125 bike.
cheers, mate, just what i'm looking for...i'll do my cbt as soon as (dependent on weather, of course) then, given my advanced old age, i can do the theory and practise on a bigger bike and take my test on that and go straight onto a bigger bike from the off...not that i want to be a speed freak (heaven forfend!)but, as it was pointed out to me, it's downright dogdy to be going up and down the a10 at 50 - you need to be able to overtake all the lorries etc so 400-600cc might be better...but, this is what i'll be learning about...125 is fine for the off : )

t xx
No problem.

Most 4 stroke 125 bikes can reach 70mph generally at a push.. 60-65 most days. A 2 stroke 125 could get to 90mph or more depending on which one you get.

So you are looking to do your test and get a bigger bike then, cool!

400-600 would be better for commuting really..

If you take lessons you'll probably get put on a GS500 or similar, they are pretty sturdy all rounders.
Good for you, Nat!! I've a motorbike licence although I've not ridden one for years ... could always have a go on yours, just to test it out of course :D
i saw one of these in lincoln when i was buying motorcycle gloves (for the swordy stuff) and i can safely say, i was smitten...


*lustful thoughts*

t xx

edited to say - it'll be a bloody long time til i reach these heady heights! : )
hehehe...this picture doesnt even do it justice, it was way more gorgeous in the flesh...and, its latest incarnation got a fab review in the sunday times bike section a couple of weeks ago....

oh dear, i need another expensive hobby... :wink:

t xx
My little brother (little as in he's a lot younger than me) has a Yamaha 4 stroke 125 Rossi replica and it's more than capable of keeping up with the traffic i.e it'll do 65 all day long. He was going to go for a bigger bike but he says this one suits him perfectly in that it looks the part but he can't get 'that' carried away on it. Not sure how 600's are restricted nowadays for new riders (sure they are) but an unrestricted 600 or standard as I know it would probably be far too much power to jump straight on after a CBT.

My old 125 was capable of 110+ as it was a highly tuned 2 stroke but the difference was astonishing on the ZZR600 I bought the day I passed my bike test, the power was way too much in hindsight, how I didn't kill myself I don't know. My current 600 hasn't moved for 11 years but when it last did, it was capable of nearly 160mph which should give you an idea of how powerfull they can be....with that capability comes the danger too!!

I had a 900cc bike similar to the picture above (It was a Cagiva Grand Canyon) and it was way less power than my 600 but I still ended up throwing it down the road and have the knackered knee to show for it. Even at the 20 or 30mph I was going when I 'jumped' off was enough to cause some serious harm which is probably the reason why I'm not eager to get my 600 back on the road.

Obviously you can get a more 'plodding' bike but they will still be very powerfull to a relative novice so best to start at a low powered bike until your sure you have the experience to handle something bigger.

Sorry for being a bit of a doom monger but choose carefully and wisely and don't get carried away with power. If it bites back you may only get the one chance.

EDIT:- Just to add a different note to my post. Bikes are BRILLIANT!!!. They are much more thrilling than cars for pure adrenaline. And pound for pound you won't find a cheaper rush!!
oh yes, yip, that's entirely what i do intend to do...the bigger, proper bikes are some way off yet but, as i say, whatever i get will need to have enough power to keep up with the traffic - if 125s can do that, that's fine...i'll still look to do just the one test on a bigger bike though cos then i'll only have to take it once!

t xx
Yeah, I'm not sure how the testing goes nowadays but I know it's way more complicated than when I took mine.

Just as an afterthought, there used to be a few of us who also had Honda 50/70/90 type bikes (the grandad ones with the plastic front fairings - we called them plaggy pigs) and we used to often put our big bikes in and go out on the smaller ones as we often had more fun on them as you couldn't harm yourself with them being so much slower but could chuck them about and have a right laugh....happy days ;)

Just picture half a dozen young (ish) lads in full leathers on
600s aren't restricted for new riders if you're over 21 I think.

If you are under 21 and pass then you are restricted to 33hp on any bike, but getting a 1000cc bike and restricting it to 33hp would make it run like a tractor. (In fact you'd probably find a tractor smoother!)

And T you have the idea right, pass on the 500 then you can ride what ever you want. Pass on a 125 and you can't go bigger than 125 as far as I remember.
A good bike once you pass your test would be a Honda Hornet or a Yamaha Fazer, Fazers are pretty cheap secondhand checkout out the Pistonheads website. Insurance should be pretty reasonable as well. If you are looking to buy helmets/jackets etc a good place would be the Motorbike show at the Xl in the new year or the BMF rally in may and September. I bought some boots for £30 15 years ago and they are still going strong! Spend money on decent kit it makes the winters and the wet weather much more bearable. Don't skip on your helmet (You only have one skull) either make sure it is a comfortable fit and try lots of different makes until you are happy. Any advice give me a shout.
I agree with Ian, either of those bikes would be ideal.

I moved to a Bandit 6 (Which I still have and love) after passing but it's probably a bit too heavy for a lady (no offence intended)
@red - yes, that's the current situation...if i pass on the bigger bike, i only have to take the one test - that'll be quite enough for me!! i dont mind if it takes a bit longer...mind you, i might not be able to resist getting a little 125 (if i can find a nice, cheap one) between the cbt and full licence...i think it will rather depend on the weather and when i'm doing it! : )

@ianv5 - thanks for the really useful info-i'll certainly look into fact, i just had a look at the fazer and it looks pretty cute... :cool:
i was sooooo disappointed to miss the bike show at the nec last weekend - i'll look into the new year one asap...and, i know how important decent kit is...someone i knew was, frankly, saved by the very good kit they'd bought when they came off in the fast lane of the m25!!! seeing what it did to the kit - and thinking what it would've been like had it been their skin! - will make me very conscious of safety gear...

i'm so looking forward to this - thanks again all, your input is very much appreciated {{hug}} - in manly, biker fashion :grin:

t xx
oh, i should not have gone onto pistonheads and looked at triumph tigers....

and, red, thanks for the info re the kind of offence taken at such practical advice - i need to know these things! even things like at, 5' 6.5" i'm reasonably tall for a girl but not for a bloke who, presumably, bikes are made for!!

t xx
Not sure what sort of bikes you are into but if you like sports bikes it might be worth looking at grey import 400s such as the Honda NC30 and CBR400. They were designed for the japanese market and so are for those shorter in the leg. Good bikes with some very active forums. Again Pistonheads or ebay if interested.