:'( need a bit of a hug


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New member
May 29, 2011
Well as most know of my situation with the lack of family etc Ive had my pets to keep me company

More so My 5 year old chinchilla Lola
Everyone who visited loved her and she made so many friends and loved all the fuss she was given

Over the past few days shes been rather quiet in herself, eating, drinking normally and pottering around - shes had quiet phases before, usually when in season
Anyways yesterday she refused food, was drinking little and wasn;t interested in fuss, got home from work at 3:30am to find her hunched in her cage and abit cold so I brought her upstairs put some food on the floor with some water and tucked her in bed with me (usually shed be out and running around under the bed) she stayed there until yesterday mid morning.
She seemed to perk up afterwards, put her back in the cage with Theo, saw her drinking but still no food.
Decided to get her booked in for a check up at the vets for first thing in the morning, this evening she seemed to go downhill, having to syringe fluids into her every 2 hours so I took her in to work so I could keep a close eye on her,
At 10:30pm she refused fluids, tried again twice afterwards but no joy

At 12:30am Lola died, only 5 years old and have no idea why, shes always been very healthy and a happy chinchilla. Most of all my best mate and the only family I had..

(Some people may say its sad to be like this over pets but as i said most know my situation and will understand im sure) but im devastated :'(, I can't believe shes gone

After all the bad luck at the end of 2011 I thought that was it and a great start to 2012 im gutted :(

Lola and Theo only last week

She loved her teddy



R.I.P Lola - mummy loves you!
Sorry to hear this Z, I know how much little Lola meant.

Zara said:
(Some people may say its sad to be like this over pets but as i said most know my situation and will understand im sure) but im devastated :'(, I can't believe shes gone

Not me.

When Catalina (ginger female kitten) was killed on the road back in 2008 I posted my devastation here. I understand well how they become part of your life.

So yes Zara, huge hugs from me and from Mrs XIIVVX
<Hugs> Sorry to hear this Zara, RIP Lola, we all know you loved her dearly x
Oh dear, sorry to hear this.To hell with those who dont have a space for animals in their heart, what they think doesnt matter.I've been feeling very sorry for myself for the last week as it looks like I lost all my data on a non backed up laptop. but this puts it in perspective.As they say time heals, but for now I'll throw a stranger hug into the pot.

Take care
Thanks all, whenever I had a bad day I used to sit and watch her and Theo, always used to make it better - funny little things and had such an amazing character

Shes in her bed, has her teddy and looks peaceful, off to bury her in the back garden :( Going to get a small plant for her on Thursday, brightly coloured, a mark of her personality...
big hugs Zara,she will be missed by all the friends that came round to see you and the kids,for some of us who cant have pets it was like having 1 of our own aswell,she will be missed alot by me too.. :(
Sorry to hear :( I know what its like.

By the way, I know it sound strange or silly, but if you haven't already, let Theo see Lola one last time, to say goodbye, and so he knows whats happened. We have had the same experience with cats, they don't seem to pine nearly as much if they know whats happened.
its not silly at all mate, when I came back home early this morning (couldnt finish my shift at work) he already knew something was wrong :( luckily theyve only been in the same cage together since October and not years so the bond wasn't as strong but I got him out last night so he could see her and say goodbye...

he's a little kid as he's only just gone a year old so I think he will be ok.. been giving him lots of attention today to try and make up for it a bit and to keep me busy
I hate burying loved animals in the winter :-(

You want so much to keep them warm and comfortable, and however hard you try and rationalise that they can no longer feel heat and cold you can't fight the thoughts.

Second Hug
Thanks all x
@Rob it actually broke my heart :( was so hard but at least shes snug in her bed and has her teddy to keep her warm


finished work this morning and took Theo outside to see Lola and sat with her for a while, said goodnight before I went to bed...

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