New key without red master?


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New member
Sep 14, 2013
Hi All,

I have only one key with my 2001 Puma and wanted a spare so I bought the correct type fob/blank blade off ebay and had it cut. It will not programme to the car though and I had a mechanic mate also try the coding methods lots of times with no success. Reading the manual it states you need the red key to make copies which I dont have, what are my options? Will I have to go to Ford and what would they be able to do anyway with no red key?

Any advice help appreciated


You need 2 keys already programmed to start the car, before you can programme a 3rd key." onclick=";return false;
MSC1 said:
I have only one key with my 2001 Puma...

...what are my options?
Just phone around your local locksmiths. I was in exactly the same position as you - car came with just one key to lock and start the engine. Got a new one cut and programmed for £33.00 at a local locksmith near a relative I was visiting.

Really wished I had known that before I had wasted hours on the Net looking this dull old stuff up!
Thanks for the replies and yes it is dull which is why I have left so long to sort, but I now feel I am pushing my luck with just one working key!

Will try my luck with some local locksmiths.
