Newbie in Sussex


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New member
Dec 20, 2013
Good to see there are so many like minded people who love and cherish the Ford Puma. A true example of Fords finest work, I'm sure you'll agree.
Any how I'll give a brief intro as you'll not of seen me post on hear before, though I've found it a true source of inspiration, over the past few months of Puma ownership.
I am in the Sussex are, I'm proposing a possible regular monthly, Sussex Puma meet? I thought something along the lines if a breakfast club, to meet at Sea Lane Cafe in Goring. Lovely location, great breakfasts ( at a reasonable price!!! ), lots of parking and right on the beach to boot!!!" onclick=";return false;
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Would be great to put faces to names and see lots if Pumas in one place down here.
Any how have a great Bank Hol driving your pride and joys!!! Good to add something to the site at last.
:cool: hello Jason, nice enthusiasm.

Good luck organising your meet, I assume this would be on a weekend?
Hi Red,
Yep, weekend. Once a month if interest permits. Hope to get some takers. I know mornings aren't the best time, but could go on to rival Goodwood Breakfast Club!!!
We'll see, fingers are crossed.
Hi Jason I'm also a Sussex newbie and would be up for a meet now and then - great idea, and I'm only a few miles away from Goring. Don't see many Pumas around the Worthing area. If you see a silver T-reg out on a sunny day along the seafront it's probably me! Will
Hi Will,
I gave up on getting any replies.
A Puma meet in Sussex was a idea I had just seems to be very few forum members in Sussex.
I would certainly be open to any suggestions on dates, days, times and venues for a meet?
Like to hear your thoughts.
There are a few of us kicking around on the South coast you know!

Problem is that my Puma spends the majority of its time on axle stands while I ham-fistedly try to fix things!

Hopefully, when I've sorted the faults, I may be up for a breakie by the sea!
The Arch Bishop said:
Problem is that my Puma spends the majority of its time on axle stands while I ham-fistedly try to fix things!
In that case, get off here, grab yer hammer and go outside and get that cat fixed ready for Ford Fair! ;p

Goring is not far from me, so I may be interested in popping over.
Looks like there is a few Puma devotee's in the Sussex area to make a date by the Sea, during our beautiful British Summer!!!
Even if Puma's are in a state of repair, it would be good to talk cars, projects and ideas.
Good hear from you all

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