Newbie key question


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New member
Oct 26, 2011
Hi, I only have 1 key (3 button jobbie). I don't like to carry extra keys (only to lose :x , or leave in the house for vamoos burglars :evil: ). But I am wondering if I will get stiffed when the key battery runs out?

I.e. will it cost me more for reprogamming/ECU if I leave it until the battery runs out.? Or is it the same cost either way (bearing in mind I only have one key)..?
Even if the battery runs out you'll still be able to open and start the car.

The battery is only related to the RCL which you can program yourself after fitting a new battery.
Yeah you lose the RCL coding. The immobiliser transponder doesn't rely on the battery and the key will always fit.
Hi red,

Thanks. I could easily live without RCL, but so far it seems I can only unlock the doors with the RCL plipper and not the key :?
I can lock with the key but not unlock with the key.

Might there by a trick or something I am missing..?
You're quite right Paul, most Tibbie blades let you lock other cars but not open them. Maybe it's that or maybe the locks need some WD40
I've seen a fair few cars where the lock mechanism itself has seized due to the car only ever being opened with the fob!
Thanks. I think it must be the right key otherwise I don't think I would be able to start the engine :shock:

If it is seized up it would have to be seized in a way that prevents unlocking but not locking ... with the key only.
dont use wd40, it can cause a problem when it dry's out. It leavesa sticky mess that looks like treacle.
I only use a silicon spray on locks. Something like gt50 is good.
Finally managed to unlock with the key :eek: ... lots of jiggling needed after 10 years wear (almost like cracking a safe).

Somehow I managed to set off the alarm which I had to switch off with the plipper. Not sure how I did that :? , maybe because I opened the passenger door or something.
I dought it was anything like cracking a safe.
Did you use a lance or did you pour gunpowder into the lock :lol: :lol: :lol:
luke55 said:
Thanks. I think it must be the right key otherwise I don't think I would be able to start the engine :shock:

I know you've sorted it now but this could still have been possible if at some point the ignition barrel had been changed but the door locks not changed with it.
Worn door locks are a big problem with older fords, espacially fiesta's. and transits
Alot didnt have remote locking so the drivers door lock wears out and is usually the lock that gets changed. Ford tibbe ignition barrels are fairly tough.