Ok not cool.


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New member
Nov 6, 2010
Ok, so this morning driving in snow, car infront hit the brakes hard and skidded and unfortunatly went into the back of him. :(


Good news is, no major damage. Just a centimetre gap under the passenger side headlight + a few paint scratches. So happy about that, a 10 minute job.

Now to see if i get ripped by the guy i hit. :roll:

Yeah, i had a good look this morning, just a couple paint scratches and a centimetre gap under the light, nothing killer.

As for the other party, he wants me to fork out £1,500 to repair his bumper. So i'll get a well known body worker to inspect it.


That's exactly what i thought last night, it could of been soooo much worse.
try not to use your brakes as much if you can when the snow is this bad, keep a good distance between you and the car in front and if you need to slow down try and just ease off the accelorator instead and brake gently if you can


1500 :shock: is it solid gold?!
zara#014 said:
try not to use your brakes as much if you can when the snow is this bad, keep a good distance between you and the car in front and if you need to slow down try and just ease off the accelorator instead and brake gently if you can


1500 :shock: is it solid gold?!

Nope, it was a fricken 04 plate Nissan Nevara 4x4.

Apparently he had his bumper done 3 months ago, an that's how much it cost him. I shall enquire about it, because something smells fishy. (That, and i sense that someone slammed into him and smashed the chassis up underneath before hand).


Nope, but if i did i'd of thrown myself off the bridge. :|

Uh oh. :lol:
And i do keep a gap between me and the car infront.

However, if he didn't honk his breaks on, we'd of rolled to a stop.
i know if you hit the person in front its your fault.....but they should be paying attention and not hit the brakes that bloody hard!!!

one of the first things i was taught on advanced driving was if your gonna hit the brakes hard look in your mirrors!!!!