Planetslick's Puma Super Unleaded Test


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New member
Jun 30, 2010
hey all over the past 15 weeks ive been conducting tests to see which super unleaded seems to work best in my Puma (see pic) im not finished i aim to do 5 tests for each station but i thought id show you what i'd done so far maybe itll help some of you in some way so far Sainsbuy's Seems by far the best and the cheapest its my Puma's best mate haha


what do you think? what are your expeirences?
Those sainsburys prices are cheaper than 95ron round here :(

I've been tempted to try it on Vpower, might give a few tanks a go if I can bear to pay the price of it ;)
Comparisons against standard fuel would help as we don't know the route so can't compare fully to see if the better fuel does actually give better mpg. A free flowing route at all times is the best way to check these things and even then they can lead to big differences.

I haven't actually checked which petrol stations give me better consumption which is not like me and is something I may try as I do a regular 220 trip which is probably the easiest journey traffic wise for this kind of thing as I only have a short section at each end where traffic can be called normal, the rest is dual & motorway. I do know that I like using Morrisons as much as I can as for some weird reason I've noticed on a few occasions that I seem to have to put less in than I estimated. Dunno if that's because the other stations I've used have inefficient pumps but I know Tesco ones I've used on several occasions in the past had continue registering when nothing comes out. May be just my experience but one of the reasons I don't use Tesco for anything except buying my mashed
badger_ said:
I've been tempted to try it on Vpower, might give a few tanks a go if I can bear to pay the price of it ;)

ive always said i dont mind paying more if its better for the car and goes further but i really wasnt that impressed by it i have a feeling ill be sticking with sainsburys when im done with my test

yippeekiay said:
Comparisons against standard fuel would help as we don't know the route so can't compare fully to see if the better fuel does actually give better mpg. A free flowing route at all times is the best way to check these things and even then they can lead to big differences.

after ive done 3 attempts with each on super i do plan to do 3 for each with standard as a comparison its a working project haha

the route i take is 40miles to and 40 miles from work (sometime a bit more if i detour to paraents house) it consists of:-

- 3 Miles Durham City Centre(out of rush hour times) 30/40mph
- 15 Miles country roads 50mph all way very little stopping (2 roundabouts in total)
- 20 Miles motorway 60mph
- 2 Miles Housing estate 30mph

then the same in revers so the vast majorty of the route is none stop free flowing think it gives prity good results :)
I used to carry out this experiment once in a while.

On the 1.7 Ultimate gave the best mpg. There was no cost benefit or penalty, it just meant I went to the filling station a tiny bit less often.

Regrettably it showed no benefit in the FRP and I resorted to standard Tesco (95RON?) for that.

The 911 is compulsory premium, and the Tesco version, now branded as Momentum, is the fuel of choice according to the Porsche forums.
yippeekiay said:
Planetslick said:
then the same in revers so the vast majorty of the route is none stop free flowing think it gives prity good results :)

Better off doing it in forward gears as that won't help your consumption at all :p

hahahaha very good i certianly wouldnt get very far on the petrol but being in a Puma i'd look just as good haha
probably a stupid question, but is it OK to fill up with a super/premium brand of unleaded when you've still got a small amount of normal unleaded (about 5 miles done after petrol light came on Saturday)?

and is it likely to make a difference in a 1.4?
Yeah its totally fine to mix normal and super the less normal the better as itll dilute the super but its totally fine on a side note only use super unpeaded if you will go through the tank within 2 weeks cos super loses its benifit after that period of time :)
hmmm.... probably only get through half to 2/3s of a tank in that time if I'm lucky... feel it might be worth it though, the cost of the Sainsbury's super unleaded is only 2p more per litre than the Shell standard in the garage nearest me. As long as it doesn't have a detrimental effect after 2 weeks be worth it...
The sainsburys one is deffinatly worth it 2p differance is nothing there is no detrimental effect to using super AT ALL ...unless u put in a diesel lol the only thing that happens if it sits in your tank for more than 2 weeks is the extra octanes wear off and it basically becomes standard unleaded :)
And anyway, there is no way your Puma can benefit from the extra octane, it has no way of doing so. The only 'benefits' to the Puma owner are that some of the 'superfuels' do seem to deliver better mileage, and if you are prepared to swallow the marketing hype clean the engine.

You will not get one ounce of extra power from using any octane rating higher than (from memory) 95, unless you have your ECU reprogrammed.
XIIVVX said:
The only 'benefits' to the Puma owner are that some of the 'superfuels' do seem to deliver better mileage,

is that not the most important benefit?
the mileage is by FAR!!! the most impostant benifit anything else is a side effect and unimportant

It is just that some people do have the mistaken belief that higher octane = more power.

Not so.

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