Puma owner first year of many


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New member
Jun 18, 2010

Been a proud owner of a Puma 1.7 - 99 for a year now. Been ups and downs, but the money spent is worth it. Love the car. Unfortunately there are not a lot of them in Sweden, where I live and no club for Ford Puma owners that I know of.
Also there is nothing written about Puma when it comes to manuals in swedish, so, I have to learn the terminology of all the words in english. I hope I find the right terminology when I need to ask advice from you all. Wish Haynes would make a Puma manual :wink:

Really nice to find there are some clubs regarding Ford Puma on the net! I am proud to be a puma owner and hope I will have many years left to drive my puma. When I learn more I have plans on buying a scrap yard car (puma of course) and fix it up. That is my future projekt.

Welcome along, always nice to see people from other country's on here! :D.. Would love to see the difference in the mods that are done in different country's! :D
Welcome along matey.

Any questions or if you need any help just shout and some should be able to help out with out any isses
Welcome to our site :D

We'll try and help you anywhere we can... glad to hear that you are enjoying your car!