Smashed Puma :-(


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New member
Sep 21, 2008
Ello need of some help...

Some lovely (old *cough*) fella decided 2 use my poor lil Puma 2 stop himself on the ice this morning. Had a quick look at the back and hes taken out my fog light, the little clip on thingy next to it and put a 2 inch scratch in the back :-(

Before i take it 2 a garage to sort it does anyone know if theres anything else structually i can check for?? I know the boots aren't that strong on the Pumas but the underneath is bothering me. As the snow is still quite deep here im worried they wont check it thoroughly. Any hints please???? :cry:
sorry to hear this, but it sounds as though the damage is not too bad

take your car to a main dealer to get it checked out - they rarely skimp on anything when an insurance claim is made
If the only damage is a broken fog light, the plastic cover next to it and a 2 inch scratch then i would say the impact was not very big at all. Your very lucky to get away with such little damage in this weather. However; its up to you if you want to get the car checked out. Personaly if it were me, i would not bother because its only cracked plastic with a small scratch from what you describe, i doubt its bent metal or main structural points. But like i said, for peace of mind, its up to you.

If it were me, i'd just get a second hand fog light and blanking cover, then get the scratch covered up on the cheap from halfords or something similar. Then i'd have a think about whether i'd charge the man for the damage (depending on what mood im in lol)
Thought i'd got away with it...

Checked the back of the car and it didn't look 2 bad 2 start with. We noticed the exhaust was slightly peed but it still ran ok...until last Saturday!! I now have a 1.4 puma that sounds like a Scooby :cry:

Looks like he's moved my exhaust up and put a crack in the back box.

Just to top it off he wont answer his phone lol.

Anyone had 2 replace either of these bits?? Don't know where 2 start looking... :oops:

I replaced my back and mid section quite reasonably at National Tyres. Give them a ring.

Dont be fobbed off - if he hit you from behind then get it claimed (if your excess allows it) my replacement exhaust was under £100.
Check usual areas (exhaust mounting etc) and get the car tracked/balanced incase the bump knocked out the wheel alignment.
Your back bumper may have absorbed the impact and popped back out :-( I would get it checked - my fella had a tiny front end bump in his Fez and the car looked fine (no dents) til the radiator leaked alerting us to all the other damage!
Did you get number plate and name/insurance details? If you did pass these to your insurance, they should trace him.

Good luck x
Awww brilliant. Thanks for the pointer. I'll start ringing around and see what i can get. I guess £100 ish is about right.

Yeah got all his details but my excess wont allow it so it DIY time lol.

Dont seem like its 2 hard a job. :)
Jellybean said:
Awww brilliant. Thanks for the pointer. I'll start ringing around and see what i can get. I guess £100 ish is about right.

Yeah got all his details but my excess wont allow it so it DIY time lol.

Dont seem like its 2 hard a job. :)
Are you fully comp or TPFT?

If you're fully comp, and the insurers decide that the accident was the fault of other party, you should get your excess back.

If you're TPFT, probably easier doing it yourself...
I am fully comp but because im classed as a young driver i have to pay £250 on top of my excess which i dont get back. It was a risk i took at the time...just assumed a whack would do more damage lol

Gives me a chance 2 do things my way as i keep telling myself...makes it hurt a lil bit less :grin: