Somthing Smells Hot?


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New member
Sep 4, 2010
No idea what it is but after a run I can smell somthing getting pretty hot outside the car, in the car is fine but as soon as I open the door it hits you. Popped the Bonnet up but can't smell it there either.

It seem to only be there for a while after pulling up and disapears when the car just stand there, Its got me totaly sussed :?.
I have the same thing smells worse if you open the boot or near the rear of the car. I put it down to a slightly leaking middle exhaust box in my case but I could be wrong.
this smell don't seem to smell like burnt fumes starfire! to me it smells a bit rubbery or like brakes burning. I checked all the brakes and all is ok, plus its only just gone through a MOT.

Not sure if this has anything to do with it but I changed the Antifreeze a few weeks back stick 3 litres in the car! I bled the system through by the instructions so things should be ok. the car does smell like somthing getting hot somehwere when the car is being driven.
I hav the same problem at mo, its a brake caliper stuck on. Try jacking the car up and see if all the wheels are free to turn. I noiced when checking tire pressures, could feel the heat coming off the wheel.
cheers for the reply! you could be right as it only smells directly after driving, if the car just ticks over its not there.
Just a quick Update: Turns out it was the rocker cover leaking oil quite bad and burning either on the exhaust or engine. followed the <How To Do It> guide off the forum with some Gasket seal and now totaly solved :eek:k:......