The £650 Puma


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Exactly, but hopefully it'll just be something really stupid that I've missed or a case of resetting the airbag module. If it's the module itself, then it's going to be tougher as IanG didn't have a direct replacement and there weren't any on eBay and the like. Also most likely will involve removing the dashboard again....

Like a boss.
quest63 said:
Ha ha yay weeeeeeeeeeeee :grin:

What was the fix for the light?
Well, they were honest and said that they don't have a clue what eventually fixed it! They basically cleaned up all of the connectors, as well as the passenger airbag and tidied the wiring under the seat. After one and a half hours, the light decided that it was happy with the amount of man-power and just stopped. Maybe the bulb blew....

Anyway, MOT sorted and on to the tax. I'm going to have a root about under the settee for loose change or something.
Surely must have got change from £200? I mean.. £50 test? Few hours labour.. no actual parts used?
The Arch Bishop said:
hewy said:
Well done! I'm glad your pride and joy passed the MOT. :eek:k:

Cheers! :thumbs:

Well that's the tax sorted as well now.

Now, should I go to Ford Fair this year?
YES you should!
Would be great to see that lovely cat for real!

Congrats on the MOT! :thumbs:

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