Turns out that the police really are a bunch of theives


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New member
Oct 26, 2007
Just had a nice long chat with a couple of policemen.

"Is this your car"

Turns out it is.

"Oooh, braided brake lines, are they allowed on cars?"

Feel free to check out the E markings on them.

"You were driving a bit fast round there weren't you?"

Well, the limit is 40mph, I wasn't exceeding that

"Lift the bonnet please"
Bonnet lifted
"Anything done to this engine"
*points out Milltek exhaust, FRP inlet*
Also point out that this is all declared on my insurance
Police radio in to check.
Turns out that it is all declared on my insurance

Upshot of all this?

3 points and £60 for having a brake light out.

Fucking wankers.
So they were just scanning everything to catch u out on something! Tossers!
ARGGGGGGGHHHH!! i was at traffic lights other day and one was next to me, he looked across and goes...."would you like to just put your seatbelt on correctly please?"

I am short! It rubs on my neck so i put it under my arm! i know its not right doing that but id rather not have burn marks :(
Indeed. Considering the number of cars that I see driving about with windows so black you can't see through them, it does make you wonder why they felt the need to hammer someone who's done their level best to get their car legal and paid through the nose for the privilege.

Certainly wasn't a fair cop, that's for sure
That's a right arse mate... 3 points and £60 for having a break light out?
That seems a bit steep; I see SO many around light that!


I always assume they'll pull pants down for cash where ever possible, that just confirms what I thought :crazy:

I bet you're very pissed off right now!!
thats crap! 3 points!!!!!! its getting to the point where no one will be able to drive!
How petty of them :roll:

I once got stopped for doing supposedly 50mph around a roundabout in my 2CV (yes really), when they'd finished being a bunch of pedants I pointed out to them that one of the headlights on their panda car was failing due to water ingress and that the reflector was corroded (an MOT fail), then drove off :p :twisted:
I'd have been happier if they'd tried to go for dangerous driving or speeding, they'd be wrong but at least it's a reasonably serious offence. As it is it's just the one thing they could find after half an hour of kicking tyres.
vickydink said:
.. i know its not right doing that but id rather not have burn marks :(

And probably die or accept substantial facial disfigurement in any front end collision over about 30 mph.

Your call Vicky. :hide:

As for Peter... They were out to get you.

I've had both types, including the one who looked at the aftermarket cans on the Ducati and searched for the CE plate.

"These don't seem to be approved"

"Really, they were on the bike when I bought it and went through the MOT like that last year"

He looked at me with an expression that plainly said "I've heard that one before, I know you are lying, you know you are lying, and you now know that I know you are lying"

"Well, I'm not going to do anything about it. But there are others who would"

Sometimes there are advantages to having grey hair.

They aren't all like your guy Peter.
So the fact that your rear lamp was out wasn't the reason they pulled you?

Did they have reasonable cause to pull you over?

That does seem properly excessive. Why fine and give you points for that?
XIIVVX said:
vickydink said:
.. i know its not right doing that but id rather not have burn marks :(

And probably die or accept substantial facial disfigurement in any front end collision over about 30 mph.

Your call Vicky. :hide:
It's a throw up between that and neck injuries (potentially fatal) if the seatbelt cuts into your neck. I'm about the same height as Vicky, and the seatbelt rests on the join between my neck and my shoulder. For that reason I use the harness pads to give some padding between me and the belt.

If there's one thing I miss about my old escort, and wish there was on the puma, is the adjustable seat height thing on the B pillar. If that had the ability to be lowered, it would be infinitely safer and more comfortable.

I didn't think the police were able to issue a fixed penalty like that if you weren't aware of the light being out. I'm fairly sure that you would needed to have been told about it before for them to be able to do that.
3 points for that! That's rubbish. And why did he ring to check if your mods were declared. Not declaring mods isn't illegal it'll just void your insurance so what's it got to do with them? :S (correct me if I'm wrong)
True, but then you'd be driving without insurance, which is illegal.
Cherie said:
It's a throw up between that and neck injuries (potentially fatal) if the seatbelt cuts into your neck.

I sympathise.

But this argument is rather like the one from the introduction of seatbelts where people argued they'd prefer to be thrown out of the car than (potentially) burn to death if they were trapped by the belt.

Balance of risk is on the side of wearing the seatbelt as it was designed to be worn.

But.. it's your/her life, not mine.
Arseholes, unbelievable....

I know someone who got 3 points and a £60 fine last year for having a battery that wasn't bolted down (though it was well held in & wasn't going anywhere) even though it passed an mot a couple of days before.

He appealed against it, lost, then had to pay a bit more on top of the original fine!
Law are laws................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some folk just do appreciate the job they do, just bad luck being caught out having a light out.

On the other side of the coin just think how many cars they pull over and find the vehicle is dangerous not road worthy and the driver is drunk or on drugs and a danger to all of us road users. The police may have a more positive impact on society we just fail to see it.

I agree your treatment is a bit a bit harsh surely they could have used a touch f common sense and decency and given you 7 days to replace light bulb. I would be gutted with the points , just think though how many times have you crept above speed limit and not been caught. Kind of swings and roundabouts.

The joys of having a nice motor that stands out and you become more of a target, not just the police but to mindless vandals, as Elvin knows.

You have to remember who would track and trace your car if it was stolen, or who would be there if you had an accident etc, the police. Who would be first on the scene in the case of a serious smash, the police.
Ha! I have little faith in the ability of police to recover stolen things. My dad had his motorbike stolen a year ago, a bright yellow CBR, not exactly a common sight. Took ten hours for the police to even respond to countless attempts to contact them.

Obviously they're not all terrible, and I do believe that they have a positive impact overall, but considering that in a forty mile round trip today, I was followed for 20 of them by a proper boy racer in a Punto with a crack all the way across the front windscreen, it does make you wonder why they feel the need to hammer someone on something mindlessly petty on an otherwise perfectly legal vehicle.
XIIVVX said:
Cherie said:
It's a throw up between that and neck injuries (potentially fatal) if the seatbelt cuts into your neck.

I sympathise.

But this argument is rather like the one from the introduction of seatbelts where people argued they'd prefer to be thrown out of the car than (potentially) burn to death if they were trapped by the belt.

Balance of risk is on the side of wearing the seatbelt as it was designed to be worn.

But.. it's your/her life, not mine.

Such consideration for others....oh well...