What would you do?


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May i suggest a punch bag in the garage, followed by a long shower, a couple of large glasses of whisky (both to relax you and so that you can't jump in your car and do something you just may regret in the morning) followed by a good film, Shawshank is on at 9pm and a good nights sleep. Hopefully by morning you will be able to focus on something else, supposed to be a nice day, perhaps a good long drive to the seaside in the puma :grin:
Puma Babe said:
we seem to have gone a bit off topic

back on track

Make cake, not war

Yeah beat those fracking eggs, give em the thrashing they deserve the god damm yellow bastar***

The yolk will be on them by the time Ive finished :evil:

They will have people on their face the spherical ball heads :)
Maybe if chilipalmer has a KFC bucket meal & cake he will be to stuffed to worry about going out to seek the other fella :lol:

Well, I hadn't made up my mind when I created the topic. Besides, you seem to be forgeting that listen to what others have to say helps one form and ciment his convictions. It's a sort of maieutic method, ProjectPuma style.

I appreciate everyone's input...but if you think the question is invalid, why bother replying?
You almost cause an accident, frighten the shit out of an innocent driver with his wife and child in the car and all of a sudden you are the victim? Wind your neck in and think yourself fortunate no one was hurt.