Whitewashed the Millie!


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If you've got an axe to grind about Magifoam, or the smell of any car cleaning products, I'm more than happy to split your post from this thread and start a new one.
Everytime ive used it ive had to go back over the car with a bucket and a micro fibre hand mit to get the muck off

Do you just cover the car with snow foam first. Ive been wetting the car first then snow foaming the car.
Snow foam straight onto the dry car. It seems to hold on better. It does tend to leave a very fine film of grime, but it gets 95% of the grit and dirt off, which is what scratches the paint.
who cares about children safety when it comes to cleaning chemicals. if the kids are too dumbf__k to drink it when they find it and/or the parents are too stupid to allow young kids easy access to chemicals, then quite frankly they deserve to die. darwinism in action.

Im fed up with everything in this country being changed so that dumb f__king retards dont get hurt. Even car designs are changing to stop poor innocent pedestrians getting hurt. Ever heard of the green cross code or simply looking before you cross?? not rocket science.

This country needs to stop dumbing everything down for an increasingly thick, lacking common sense society. let them get killed and maybe the retards will learn to change thier behaviour rather than us changing the world to suit thier stupidity.

Back to snow foam.....
Well said Warren.

I will try snow foaming the car like how its been mentioned.