Windscreen chip repairs


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Active member
Jan 25, 2011
Are windscreen chip repairs completely invisible when done?

If not what's peoples experience of them?
Not completely invisible but won't spread any more so no new windscreen needed.
I've had several done.
Some are more noticeable than others, but depends on how hard you look for them.
some chips will disappear some wont. it all depends on their size and the way the glass chips/shells/splits.
be aware that in certain areas of the windscreen size restrictions apply as to what can and cannot be repaired. smallest being 5mm in diameter and largest being up to 25mm.
In he final analysis while it was done under insurance I didn't find the result that good.

It probably looks better from the outside than the inside and I would say it is only a 20% improvement.

I was informed by the repairer that if you get a bullseye without any cracks "It wont ever crack" so if I was in a position where I had a bullseye again that wasn't covered by insurance I wouldn't pay more than £15 to have it fixed.

Has anyone paid for this themselves? how much is it usually?
