fukcing selfish housemates


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New member
Oct 29, 2007
who don't want to contribute to the cost of replacing light bulbs.

I'm going to switch the lights off if I find them using them, right now I'm quite prepared to punch them in the face if they complain it's dark :bash:
You know how it is, people with low standards, sitting in a dark room with half the bulbs blown and not replaced, washing dishes with water only because there's no washing up liquid...wiping their asses with kitchen roll cos there's no toilet paper...

But enough money to go and get pissed all the time. Scum.
Geez, would do my f'in head in. Light bulbs are being given away all over the place. All my bulbs in my house cost me zero, all to do with trying to get everyone to be green etc.

As for the other stuff, I'd get everyone to chip in for communal supplies.

But to be honest I wouldn't put up with any of it, I'd move and put up with a cheaper place if I had too knowing that any thing needed in the house was needed for me only and that any mess was my mess.
important thing is.... do the contribute to the bills???

time to move and find a better place to live i think. I used to live with people like that when I was in university accommodation. the living room is always littered with empty can, pizza boxes, kebab boxes, blah blah blah and even underwear (dont know where that came from) and the sink is always full (of unwashed dishes and cutlery)
I'm the same Elvin - reminds of when I used to be at uni.

Hope you get it sorted it Col!
they should all do basic army training; very few people remain slobs after that. i didnt live in at uni but visited some halls & was amazed they were all alive.....place was disgusting!

could try having £10 a month 'subs' getting written into their contracts & whatever is in the kitty put towards small purchases like bulbs & if dont spend it all put towards a night in the pub at the end of the year.....

personally id get the locks changed without them knowing & when they cant get in tell them they didnt get there own key cos they didnt cough up their half.....!
jacko said:
they should all do basic army training; very few people remain slobs after that.

Hate to disagree mate, some people I work with are utter mingers.
there were a few slobs in army but in minority, whereas every blokes uni flat i went to was a disgrace! (as well as some of the girls come to think of it....)
I want out of this country anyway, if I bother to move and quit my job.

It's tough to find a place the size of this one, with garage storage and secure driveway...
I have no qualms in saying that 'cause I work away, I've sometimes left my lodger with no loo roll OR kitchen towel in the house if he's pissed me off, which a few times of late, he has. He also sulked when I caught him eating my Burgen bread and tore strips off him so I switched my wireless router off leaving him internet-less for 3 weeks. If you can make their lives hell, Col, do it! It's ace!
surely it is better to address the issue than to embark on a strategy of points-scoring, Sarah?

many a relationship has failed because couples could not differentiate between the two

(I'm not saying there isn't a perverse sense of satisfaction to be derived from silently making the other person suffer, but that isn't the point!)
I've tried to address the issue, Ben, and the only thing he seems to respond to is when I overreact, such as the examples I've cited to show him that I won't tolerate the way he behaves. I think it's somewhat idealistic to think that everything can be sorted out in a mature, adult way, particularly when one party has the mental age of a 4 year old....The problem is that I work away, so he figures he has the house to himself and can do as he pleases when the reality is that he rents a room in my house and nothing more. Sometimes, he needs a sharp kick in the ribs to remind him of that.
frankly, if I felt like a lodger in my own home I would ask him to find alternative accommodation

looked at from his point of view he probably thinks you are getting shirty over a couple of slices of bread, and getting petty by denying him internet access that would cost you nothing for him to use

before you think I am trying to start a fight, I fully accept that even if both of you related what has happened none of us on here would really understand the dynamics (a bit like the warring factions independently telling tales to someone when a relationship breaks down)

nice to hear from you, anyway - hope the job is going well?
I appreciate you're not trying to start a fight but you've made some points I'll address;

- if his rent doesn't include eating my food, then he shouldn't be eating it, and I'll pull him up on that

- the problems arise as I'm away for the majority of the week. I appreciate that changes the dynamic to the point where he may not want me to come home and pull, if you like, rank, but he pays what is a relatively small rent to live in a nice house with two bathrooms, internet access and a brand new kitchen, and the few things I expect from him - clearing up coffee stains that he makes and habitually leaves - are NOT a big ask.

- the fact he's not moved out suggests he's happy with the arrangement and accepts my (few) complaints and the fact I've not asked him to move out suggests that I'm happy overall with the set-up and am grateful that he responds to criticisms I make.

Job's going great, thank you

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