My Puma has been stolen...


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New member
Sep 8, 2011
"Oh no!" I hear you cry! But don't panic, as it's my missus who's nicked it! She has a fiesta, and it's constantly revving up high etc, so I'm thinking its the Idle Speed Control Valve, and being the lovely bloke I am I said she can take the Puma to work whilst I fix the Fiesta. But I've just received a text message from her saying she loves my car and she's keeping it!

Looks like I'll be looking for another one soon then....!
Looks like you've lost the car now!!

Good luck with your search for a new one. Theres plenty of help and advice on here if you need it! :p
Cherie normally "steals" my ST at least once if it's at home while I'm working abroad.. :roll:
Well, she starts a new job in a few months with a lot more money, so she's already agreed that we'll get her one for herself then. Come the new year the hunt is on for another Black!