Puma owners who own/have owned Motorbikes


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Kawasaki GPZ 500s (E10)


Owned (in order of ownership):-

Yamaha DTR 125 - power valve kit fitted ment in went off the clock at 90 mph!
Kawasaki GPZ 500s (D1)
Suzuki TL1000s - Venum race cans fitted. That loud it would set off car alams as I passed!
Honda RVF 400 NC 35 - first bike I got my knee down with on a public road (Hardside pass)!
Yamaha R6 - the quickest point to point bike I've had! No problem keeping up with the 1000cc boys!
Honda XR 250 enduro bike (my 1st enduro bike & it was so underpowered, I'm surprised it wasn't my last)!
Yamaha WR 250 enduro bike.
KTM 250 EXC Racing enduro bike (with a 350cc kit fitted)
In oredr of ownership

79 Vaspa PX 125
89 Gillera RC 125
99 Vespa ET4 125
82 Honda CB600F
91 Yamaha FZR 600
00 Yamaha R6
98 Ducati Monster

and my current steed

91 Yamaha FZR 600R (streetfighter)
I started off when I was a tot on a Yamaha pw50, which some little s**t nicked from the garage, then when I done my test my first bike was a Ducati 400SS, this promptly decided to throw a rod so bought a NC30, that was great until someone took me off it and cracked the frame.
My current ride is a very loud Yamaha MT-03, I'll upload a photo of this when I get home
Thought I'd update my list and add a couple of photos :cool:

(You'll probably get the theme hah)

Started on a red off-road bike which my brother owned, I don't recall the make nor model but it was a 2 stroke 50cc. It wasn't road legal and we learnt to ride on our own over at the local fen lands.

Kawasaki AR50

Had this bike at 16 until I passed my driving test at 17. This is obviously a stock imagine but mine was a 1994 'L' plate, in the UK this bike was restricted to 30mph and I used to use it for a 18 mile round trip to work 3 days a week.


Honda CG125

This was my re-introduction to biking after passing my CBT in 2007, I was using this for a 65 mile round trip to work 5 days a week. I later found out it had a Chinese copy engine in it, had a few faults along the way like bending the pushrod. Did about 5k on it before selling it on.


Suzuki GSF600 N

My first 'big bike' after passing my test in February 2008 bought in September, I was the 19th owner, the clocks had been changed so the mileage was a little sketchy (clocks read around 5k) before online MOT history came around which revealed that in 2006 it was close to 32k before the clock swap/reset. I guess we could assume it's real mileage was around 40k.

This lasted me nearly exactly 3 years, in August 2011 it went up for sale with about 20k on the clock to make room for a faired bike, it was a lot of fun but I was hankering for something a bit more sporty looking with a screen.


Honda CBR600FS

July 2011, a deal was done with my wife to sell the Racing Puma and Bandit and replace with a more sensible family car and a more interesting bike. Reluctantly given the circumstances at the time the deed was done. 31k on the clock but in cracking condition it seemed like a good buy.

This turned out to be the case, the FS did me proud and had 51,868 miles on it when the gearbox decided it wanted to break, not letting me get past 2nd gear. Deciding it wasn't economical to repair and fancying something bigger for a while as my brother had an R1 it was time to move on.


Honda CBR1000RR Fireblade

This bike is incredible, had 11,800 miles when I picked it up in February, already done more miles to date on it than it covered between 2012-2017! It's never had an advisory on the MOT so hopefully it'll last as well if not better than the outgoing FS.


Hope you enjoyed some of my biking history

I've always had a soft spot for Bandits (i'm a cruiser man really) but they often do have a shady past just by the nature of the bike. Either way that looks like a nice one too.
I bought that blind off of eBay and it was about 180 miles away.. kept my fingers crossed the whole way there that it was in good running condition.

On the way home the indicators didn't work properly and there was an issue with the brake light. Fortunately I was being followed home and also it was mostly motorway with no turning required. Other than that it behaved itself, the engine was quite rattly but I think that was just the nature of the 600 engine with the cam chain as they got older. I seem to recall the light issues were related to some chaffed cables.

Replaced the manifold on it with a stainless one and the can it came with was quite open so it was quite a noisy machine.

Fullsize pic - https://s13.postimg.org/mtezil4bb/380.jpg

That's my Suzuki GT380 that I had for years and years. Sold it around 18 months back.
Hi Nick
I had a GT380 in about 1980 and even though they weren't too popular I really liked it as it sounded good and was like a big old comfy armchair. I've been looking on Ebay recently to see if I could buy a project but as everything else two stroke they've gone up a lot. Is that some sort of Texaco Heron Suzuki faring kit on yours?
Ok here goes...Puch VS50 moped many many years ago...skimmed the head by hand (and burnt out the plug in the first 50 miles!!!!)
Then an ex field bike a Honda 120, no kick start (broken) useless brakes, painted the engine black, found out on the first ride after that the paint was not heat resistant :oops:
onto a Honda CB175, great bike, rubbish handling, but lasted me nearly 4 years
Then after a few years gap..
Honda trail bike, great fun, only 75 cc but very nippy, well up to 50mph anyway.
Then Honda 250 twin (rebadged as a 125 twin as I have no bike licence!!) ran this for a year before common sense kicked in

Cars only now but really wish I had taken my bike test years ago when all you had to was ride around the block and avoid running over the examiner on the emergency stop
Was never into bikes when I was younger and only got my licence when I was 40, since then I’ve had.

Honda CB750f
Yamaha FZR600 (x2)
Yamaha R6
Ducati Monster M600

And currently have.

Yamaha xv 535 (Hard tail bobber)
Hyosung GV650

[image] [/image]
tuonokid said:
[post]361448[/post] Is that some sort of Texaco Heron Suzuki faring kit on yours?
Yep, it's a pretty rare original Dunstall one, which came with the bike when I got it.
:cool: holy thread resurrections Batman.

Your cheap Chinese 125 looks easy to work on!

I'm still with my Fireblade, it's gone from that 11,800 miles up to nearly 29,000 now. I've finished commuting on it now and it's due a few replacement parts soon to keep her happy!
Just bought a cheap Chinese 125 Scooter as a winter project. Will probably never ride it and sell it in the spring! :lol:
Currently got a Triumph Bonneville America 865 and a Moto Guzzi Breva 1100. :grin:


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