Speedo removal


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New member
Apr 11, 2013
Tried to get my dials out today but for some reason they won't go past the steering wheel. I've disconnected everything on the back. really don't want to remove the steering wheel just to get them out.
if you remove the top of the steering wheel surround (2 screws) then the stalk indicator bit (one screw + un-clip the 2 wiring connectors) you should be able to get the connector off the back of the speedo cluster and slide it out.
The only way I managed to get the cluster out was to separate the front from the back and remove the two halves separately.
No matter how I twisted or turned it, it wouldn't come out past the steering wheel.
They do come out with the wheel in place but its a squeeze.

Wheel is only two 5.5mm on the airbag, the airbag connector behind the ignition transponder and the 15mm on the wheel itself. Straighten it first before it comes off.

Far easier for a bit more of a strip down, and less chance of damage.