the dales are alive - info thread (25th)


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New member
Feb 19, 2008
Finally got my arse in gear and decided to do an info/attendance thread for people for the derbyshire dales meet.

DATE: Saturday 25th April

TIME: 11:30 (AM) - Aim to leave on the drive by 1PM, so get inside to eat from 12PM onwards

LOCATION: The butterley Park pub, ripley, derbyshire DE5 3QP (see below for maps) (Edited as I had a bit of a typo with the postcode fist time round - Thanks Dal for spotting that :D)

DIRECTIONS: if coming from North or South on the M1, exit at junction 28 and take the A38, heading towards Derby. Exit at the 4th junction (A610) approximately 6 miles from the M1 junction. Take the first exit (A610) towards ripley. At the first roundabout turn right and then right again into the pub carpark. You should see the pub from the main road easily. there is also a premier inn right next to it.

1. M1 to meeting place:

2. closer view of A38 to meeting place:

3. route from meeting place to sainsbury's (If required)

FOOD: pub first before the drive

DRIVE START TIME: If we eat first I'll aim to set off for the drive no later than 1PM to give us decent amount of time

I'll sort the details of the drive closer to the time, but I'll aim for us to be back to the start point sometime between 4-5PM so that those of us who are doing part 2 at alton towers the next day have a decent amount of time to get down to Uttoxeter etc.

POST MEET: There was going to be a stay at the ripley meet point, but as there is now the alton towers meet then it will probably not go ahead as a separate thing.

those who have confirmed/expressed interest up to now are:

Pat (midnight Blue)
Caloubear + Bill
Angelbabes + Kev
Shyann + Brian

Neil (if he is back in time :) )
Ben & Lainey

If I have missed anyone off this list, then it's nothing against you, I've just missed you in the original thread :)

any more questions, just ask :)


Route plan for the day, finally sorted. google maps links here, but will also get written stuff done for the day. I went to do the route tonight and they have closed one of the roads I was going to use twice (one of the best roads in the area too ) so I've had to re-jig it a bit. I've used tinyURL for the links so they are nice and short

Dales special stage 1: DE5 3PQ to SK17 9QQ -

Dales special stage 2: SK17 9QQ to 'unknown road' (no post code for the end point yet) -

Dales special stage 3: 'unknown road' to DE45 1NL -

Dales special stage 4: DE45 1NL to DE4 3PS (ish) - (ish because it's the closest one I could get to the car park, but you can't miss it if you aim for this post code.....famous last words)

Dales special stage 5: DE4 3PS (ish) to DE5 3PQ -

I've checked the start point too and the carpark should be big enough for us all to get in easily :) The only one I'm not sure about is the second stop at the 'unknown road' :lol: if there are a lot of people out that day you might need to use the grass verges :)

Dal Edit : ->Gallery here<-

PDF of route here:" onclick=";return false;
mort666 said:
POST MEET: There was going to be a stay at the ripley meet point, but as there is now the alton towers meet then it will probably not go ahead as a separate thing.

Sorry I didn;t know this when i sorted out the Uttoxer bit for the saturday evening.

Anyone is welcome to come across to the weatherspoons in Utoxetter, to join us for the evening.
erm..I dont mind picnincing in the rain... HAHA! :funny:
spike. said:
mort666 said:
Sorry I didn;t know this when i sorted out the Uttoxer bit for the saturday evening.

Anyone is welcome to come across to the weatherspoons in Utoxetter, to join us for the evening.

It's OK. I mentioned it in passing on the original thread for the dales meet, but nothing had been set in stone at the time.
mort666 said:
If I have missed anyone off this list, then it's nothing against you, I've just missed you in the original thread :)

How about Red? :p He is at the start of this thread ;)

And I changed my mind, put me down as a definite! :cheer:
BOK said:
Looks to be a big meet :D

should make for an interesting drive. I just hope people don't expect me to try and keep everyone exactly together at all times or they may be severely disappointed :lol:

At least the pub/restaurant we are meeting at is supposed to be pretty big with plenty of tables. If we go down that route I'll definitely call ahead and let them know about the number of people turning up :)
Keep it as one large one and just make sure everyone has the details of the drive in my opinion this always works reasonably well :)

Change me to definite please.
And have someone at the back that knows the route / area to pick up stragglers. And a Millie in the middle for long distance spotting :eek:k:

We've worked it ok over the years with huge groups so I don't see any unusual problems this time.

Paul - if you need me to print routes out for the day, just email them to me ;)
Me and Cherie got seperated at the Leiceseesessester meet though. The car in front of me was going for it and the car behind was going a bit slow, i tried to slow down but lost the car in front, who didnt even notice.
it's always a good idea to try and keep the car behind in your sights if possible, but I'll be doing a full route plan and directions the same as on the 08 versions. It will include post codes as much as I can for those of you with sat nav, although as usual, the exact points for sat nav may need a little manual tweaking.

Cheers for the offer of the printing Darren, but I will be able to use the office printers, same as last year :) I'm sure they wont mind (if they dont know about it lol)
DradusContact said:
Me and Cherie got seperated at the Leiceseesessester meet though. The car in front of me was going for it and the car behind was going a bit slow, i tried to slow down but lost the car in front, who didnt even notice.

No prizes for guessing who that was as they did it 3 times that day! :roll:

Look in your mirrors people!
it surely can't be any worse than the convoy we saw being led by the tour leader on the last bike holiday I did. On the first day he normally says that anyone a bit unsure of just following the route plans themselves can stick with him.

We managed to rush ahead of them and get some food at the first coffee stop and saw them rolling into town as we were getting ready to set off again. He had a total of 39 bikes following him :shock: :funny: