What's your highest (genuine) insurance quote?


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Staff member
Oct 3, 2007
Thought this could be a giggle :lol:

Obviously the other side of the blade as usually everyone is looking for the cheapest!

You can include details of what cover it included/benefits and excess too if you like :)

You don't have to name the company either if you prefer not to.
I think it was when i was 17 with the escort. For a 1.4 lx, k reg, TSB wanted £2500. The leaflet said they would beat any quote, i should of challenged them i suppose.
When i was getting quotes for the puma Direct line wanted £4500
Stuck with my current insurerer for £1700
I think the highest I got quoted was around £1600 for a J-reg 1.3 escort, when I was 21, just after an accident that they hadn't decided who's fault it was.

When I looked on moneysupermarket.com and places for quote, I think the highest for the puma was about £1200. Needless to say, I didn't really pay any attention to that end of the scale.
a few big quotes thrown around....iwas quoated 4000 on a gti6 at t same time as i was looking for the puma...hence why i chose a puma....first year was 15000 with bell at t age of 19 and 1 year no claims.

regarding the above comment itd be bloody nice if quaotes were all relative to the price of the car and dint exceed the cost of the car....shame its also about the damage and mess you can cause. especially if u was to hit a house etc
Dnoo i only passed my test in feb am 19 and my puma was my first cAR!! i'M EVEN ON MY B/F INSURANCE THATS 23 HE HAS A GROUP 20 CAR AND HE'S PAYING £700 (sorry about the caps) i now have the millenium puma and its gone dwn about £60 a month sooo ...
I'm confused now... your old puma was an R plate, and your new one a Millie. So not only is the Millie newer, it's a group higher, yet you're paying LESS than you were before? Or am I reading your post wrong?
A few years ago More Than quoted me about £1500 for my FRP.....

I renewed with someone else, and got it for under £350!

That was before I moved from Cumbria tho - it was a fair bit more expensive when I moved to Warrington 6 years ago but I've now got it back down to the same level it was in Cumbria 7 years ago :D

Even so, I don't think I'll be going back for another More Than quote lol.

Oh - and a bit of madness - I got a quote off Tesco the other day for the Melina, and it was twice my current FRP renewal!

Go figure..... :s
PussCat said:
expensive when I moved to Warrington 6 years ago but I've now got it back down to the same level it was in Cumbria 7 years ago :D

Dont you just love living between Liverpool and Manchester!
mines £1300 but will drop down to about £550 when i change insurers next month. But im 22 and at uni so im lucky enough to have my parents pay it for me haha :p