Willing to swap my Fiesta for Puma. Or looking to buy a Puma


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New member
Aug 13, 2010
Hi there Guys! Since owning another Ford it has made me want my Puma back so bad :-( So I know it's a long shot but if the right offer came along then I would be willing to swap my Mark 6 1.4 2002 Fiesta Zetec for a 1.6 or 1.7 Puma, Plus some cash my way. I am looking for a Puma year 2000 or newer. Reasonably good mileage and Very good condition, And not silver red or purple :p If Interested I can give more details of my Fiesta and Pictures. Please give me a message on here.

Thanks, Dan :lol:
That IS a long shot...

Hmmm I wonder where you're likely to find someone willing to give up their puma (plus cash!?) to swap with a carthorse I think the term was used recently... Should have kept the racehorse in the first place buddy :-D

Good luck though- hope to see you back in a puma soon :eek:k:
Sparx said:
That IS a long shot...

Hmmm I wonder where you're likely to find someone willing to give up their puma (plus cash!?) to swap with a carthorse I think the term was used recently... Should have kept the racehorse in the first place buddy :-D

Good luck though- hope to see you back in a puma soon :eek:k:

Well it's a 5 door so maybe someone that wants something a bit more practical etc. It's worth a try :) And I wouldn't have kept the 1.4 Puma forever so It's time to upgrade to a 1.6 or 1.7 :)
My mountain bike is worth more than most Pumas on the market today, its not difficult!

I went to have a look at a mk6 fiesta but decided to spend half as much and got a Puma.
daveski said:
My mountain bike is worth more than most Pumas on the market today, its not difficult!

I went to have a look at a mk6 fiesta but decided to spend half as much and got a Puma.

Exactly! I'm not asking for much money but I'm sure there are some people that would consider upgrading to a Fiesta :)
evilrob said:
Daz_zz_er said:
I'm sure there are some people that would consider updowngrading to a Fiesta :)
Fixed that for you. :-D

Okay maybe not so much of an Upgrade. But I mean someone that's just had a child etc etc anything like that. Someone that wants something cheaper to run.
Paraphrased Daz_zz_er said:
Dear Puma Enthusiast website, where people who love and cherish their Pumas go to talk about Pumas,

Would you like to pay me to take ownership of your lovely pampered Puma. In return, you can drive off in my not-nearly-as-much-fun-but-has-5-doors 1.4l Fez.

This was never going to go well, was it? :-D
evilrob said:
Paraphrased Daz_zz_er said:
Dear Puma Enthusiast website, where people who love and cherish their Pumas go to talk about Pumas,

Would you like to pay me to take ownership of your lovely pampered Puma. In return, you can drive off in my not-nearly-as-much-fun-but-has-5-doors 1.4l Fez.

This was never going to go well, was it? :-D

I really don't think your getting the point.....

I'm not going to do a straight swap when my car is worth a lot more am I?
The Fiesta is more practical.
It's cheaper to run than a 1.6 or 1.7 Puma.
It's reliable as is the Puma
It's not rusting away.

Not everyone on here are single middle aged people that can keep a 4 seater Puma forever. Some have to move on when they get married and have kids etc. Puma's get P/X'd all the time, now I'm pretty sure some of them have been P/X'd for a Fiesta and I bet they got chocolate pennies for there Puma's. What I'm asking is not stupid.
I didn't say, nor even imply it was a stupid ask - just that it probably wasn't going to go well given the context and demographic of this particular site.

Your timing is unfortunate, as lrrhood on here just px'd her very well-looked-after Puma for a cheaper, more practical Ford a month or two ago for pretty much the reasons you outlined above.
evilrob said:
I didn't say, nor even imply it was a stupid ask - just that it probably wasn't going to go well given the context and demographic of this particular site.

Your timing is unfortunate, as lrrhood on here just px'd her very well-looked-after Puma for a cheaper, more practical Ford a month or two ago for pretty much the reasons you outlined above.

I know you didn't but it seems to me that some people think I'm asking for the moon. It's worth a shot anyway and I'm sure someone somewhere, maybe not on this site would be willing to swap :)
What you looking at wanting Daz

I'm looking at moving on from Bee, but its not in mint mint condition any more - though to be fair, its has got pretty much everything needed to make it mint again as I need a little more space and cheaper running costs

If you want to discuss looking at something thats abit more rolling project wise and not want daft money more We might be able to talk.

But its not just my puma, its all of the spares I have as well, which is decent size stockpile
Mileage on the fez?

I'll part ex mine but unfortunately it would have to be you paying me as my Puma is most certainly worth muchmore than your fez...

Need something practical for the commute...
Flying Scotsman said:
Mileage on the fez?

I'll part ex mine but unfortunately it would have to be you paying me as my Puma is most certainly worth muchmore than your fez...

Need something practical for the commute...

86k Ahh I've already looked through your Project thread, I can see why It's worth more ;)
Flying Scotsman said:
Because chap....

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2002-Ford-Fiesta-1-4-ZETEC-5DR-/121005114173?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item1c2c77833d" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

^^ I could pay that.... ^^

My vehicle has about 15000 less miles on the clock than yours, the care, attention to detail and the vast amounts of money spent on parts on mine certainly outweighs yours. I change wishbones and drop links etc etc every year.
Well tuned and rare items within the vehicle itself and a service history and reciepts wallet to fill a wardrobe...

I'm not doubting that your car isn't worth more. That Fezza has done quite a few more miles than mine. And still you can pick up most nice standard pumas between £700-£900 these days. I think mine is worth about £1500 so all I'm asking is someone pay the difference :) Or even if a real minter came along I'd probably just do a straight swap.
Flying Scotsman said:
I skim read... and read wrong... my bad..... *FAIL*

I thought something didn't add up haha! I've looked through your project thread months and months ago so I know yours is worth more :p