write off value


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New member
Jan 9, 2013
A 4x4 took my front end off and nearly my head! Its was a red 1.7 1999 on 153k miles. Does anyone know how much I would roughly get. Pretty sure its a write off!!
Sorry to hear of your puma. Glad your alrite though, sounds nasty!

I would say the car is only worth a couple £100. Specially to insurance companies. It would have to be very light damage not to be a right off.
A couple of 100!! Hope i get more, she did a fair bit of damage, front end is completely caved in :( i got some nice injuries too so claiming for those...and i WILL get another puma, but has to be a 1.7 and Red. I am so gutted about it, only had it 4 months and was loving it!!
Need evidence of service history and recent expenditure to strengthen your case.

The extent of the damage doesn't affect the payout, only the fact that too much damage means they won't repair it.

Replacement cost would be around £700-800 from a dealer so I'd be aiming for that, in any case refuse their first offer and provide as much evidence as possible of what it will take to replace.
Initially I'd have said only a couple of hundred too because of the high miles but if you do a bit of research and have a few adverts at hand if/when the assessor rings then you can point him to them. They will probably try and say they've seen some for less to fob you off.

Happened to me and I was prepared and got nearly a grand more than he tried to offer me when I totalled my bike a few years back.

Just checked autotrader and quite suprised how much they're still worth so I'll revise my first thoughts and say a lot more than a couple of hundred :lol:
i hope i get more than a couple of hundred. I noticed there still not cheap....like escort cheap lol expecially the red ones! The other party has also put a claim in on my insurance even though its 100% her fault, so going to take for ever now isnt it!! and i got a crappy mercedes A class hire car, what a sack of s***
When mine was wrote off they gave me first offer of £1000 the car was down as value of £1500 sounds like I might of been lucky or they're just a good company?!

I could of got more out of them I reckon if I sent proof of the exentsive history and some classified ads as the car had only done 63k
This is the Puma I'm repairing at the moment. This was written off so don't be surprised if yours is..
