New telly?


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Active member
Oct 21, 2007
I've been on the hunt for a new favourite TV series to watch for a while now. I loved Lost (that is until I nearly launched the remote control through the screen during the last episode), 24, Ashes to Ashes and Life on Mars.

I'm currently working my way through DS9 at the minute, but I fancy something a bit more up to the minute. I bought the first series of The Wire a few weeks ago based on glowing recommendations from just about everyone, but I cannot get into it - nothing seems to be happening.

I've been recommended Alcatraz, Game of Thrones, Homeland, and the Bridge - anyone seen any of these?
I just finished the Stargate SG1 boxset, I know its not up to date but even though I wasnt a massive fan when it was on TV I really got into it.

Homelands ok but I wouldnt buy it.
Now that I have a tv again, after 3 years!, i heartily recommend 'Once Upon a Time''s on channel 5 and it's really, really good! I think the people who did Lost had a hand in it...other than that, pobol y cwm...all the way!

t xx
Game of Thrones is Brilliant, worth a watch, Lots of evil doings, sex, sword slashing, sex, back stabbing, dragons, sex, incest, sex, fighting, the undead, sex, barbarians, sex, wolves, sex and also some copulation.
Plus, be warned, its a bit randy in places!
If you missed out on prison break, its brilliant, got the whole set and seen it through several times, twists and turns every episode and I guarentee that there will be characters who you hate one min and almost love on others. I am waiting to find series three of Lost as watched the first two series in three days and have four and five waiting on the shelf but need to see three first of course, but its not a patch on Prison break. imho

Watching The Bridge and it is simply brilliant, though not to the standard of The Killing (Orignal Scandy version, not the US rubbish)

Trouble is you are more than halfway through, so you have a six hour backlog to catch up.
Sad but I still love sea quest, thunderbird's, stingeray and captain scarlet