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Mar 10, 2008
rothley, leic
This week has been a bad one already, its been going down hill for awhile at work. I work with 5yr olds in a school, I love my kids but the people I work with dont take me seriously due to my age. Yes I am only 22 and most of the people at work are over 30+ but that doesnt mean Im not just as good as they are :twisted: really really annoys me.

take today.... I am first aid qualified, but the student teacher we have in decides to put me down by saying that the "older" teaching assistant is the only one qualified enough to do it. "shes head of first aid so you best go and see her" that sort of thing. its doing my nut in now.

Parents walk straight to the older members of staff if they want something. Am i invisible??!?!? i do the same blumming job as them, I spent 4 years training for this job. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

sorry just had to rant it out.
Hey Lucy,

I just finished my 2nd year of a 3 years QTS course so I suppose I can expect similar treatment! I can see why they do it, but obviously that's not to say it's right, must be very frustrating! Don't know how you can get around it, just show that you're as capable as them. Are you a Reception or Year 1 teacher then?
aww sorry to hear this Lucy **hugs**

I know exactly how you feel though... Im only 21 and at the age of 18 was promoted to Assistant Manager in the store that I worked in... knew just as much as the 30 odd yr old manager and could do my job well...

some of the shop girls were older than me and alot of the customers went to those for such problems... and I know it does make you feel undermined though...

just continue with your good work chuck :D
Not all schools are like that, fortunately. You wouldn't get treated like that where I work.

If you are not happy, start looking for a post in school where you will be appreciated. Good luck <hugs>
there does seem a strange "youngist" "agiest" thing in the employment world!!!

I found that loads in the forces with my apparently "youthful" looks. I think i look my age for 29 but aparently not.

Does seem the same in the civvy world too. i think it is much more prevalent where the workforce are mostly from one generation.

For example, where i work, most the people are in thier 50's/60's so im the youngun and the management have said to me in my "performance assessment discussion" that i am more than capable of senior management roles but that is unlikely in this shopping centre due to the age and "experience" of the current staff. this is despite the current security staff all having no security management experience and me having almost 10 years of security management and team leadership skills!! It seems there is a roster based on time served/age rather than actual experience/skills.

Unfortunately this is common in many workplaces.

There still seems to be an old fashion opinion that age brings experience and that younger people cant have experience. Of the people in security where i work, most have backgrounds working in potterys or warehouses and the longest employee here has worked 5 years in security, so on balance i have much more relavant experience even if i am younger!! Sure in some jobs, "life experience" that comes with age is important, but theres a big difference between a "wet behind the ears" 17 year old with natural management and leadership skills, and someone whose 29 with 10 years experience managing!! Also the bigger the age gap probably doesnt help.

I think a workplace with a broad mix of age groups would likely have less "age" related issues with promotion etc as your likely to be more valued on the skills you have to offer.
I agree, a broad range of ages in the work place does help, i worked in an office over the summer holidays last year and i enjoyed the variety of banter! even if it bored me to tears being sat at a desk.

it would be nice to get some younger people in to school but from experience its lack of pay that is putting people off. thats another thing I get on my soap box about, the pay is rediculous. On any given day i do things most people wouldnt want to (the kids are only little so accidents do happen! lol) sometimes i find myself wondering why I do it.

Iv been looking around for jobs but to be honest I feel lucky to actually still have a safe job in the current climate. There are so many people out of work.

Nope not a teacher Chris, Im a teaching assistant. did think about going the whole way but the teacher I work with is under so much stress and paper work all the time she's put me off! iv got alot of respect for anyone who teaches or is going into it.
to be honest, these days you are lucky to get more than minimum wage as in the current climate, even if your in a traditionally high paid job, I garuntee there will be a que of people with the same skills (or better) willing to do your job for minimum wage.

And unfortunately employers know this and they are willing to take advantage of this to save money, even in business's unaffected by the recession.

Sure doesnt mean you shouldnt expect what your worth just its going to be hard to get it.