Short/quick shift


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New member
Aug 16, 2010
Been looking for a short shift or a quick shift kit can not find them any were, had any one got one on there care or no were to get oone from

Oh and I don't me a shach shift just a short shift
Erm not looking to spend that sort of money and if I was I would get a Sach shift for that price ain't there any eBay special ones out there, was looking at sank like that then cut it down for shorter throw
I know tge mg zr used a ib5 gearbox but carnt find a short shift for that eather
Be careful with MG gearboxes early ones used Honda ones only very late ones used Ford gearboxes
If you make it shift too quick you will "beat" the syncro's to easily :( Are you physically changing gear as fast as you possible can at the moment or do you just want a short heavy throw? (if you do just cut the stick down!)
yeah...cut stick down.

also, iv replaced the rubbish universal joint with a stainless steel one available from any good kit car supplier....has tightened everything right up and the shift is a hell of a lot quicker.....take an inch off the stick and youl have something that feels as good as any supercar!
Just wanted a kit really carnt be fucked with cutting it down tgen retreading etc but looks like there rocking horse shit
kizza just thought the same thing if you can make em get some prices up :cool: i love this forum
scarei said:
Just wanted a kit really carnt be f__ked with cutting it down tgen retreading etc but looks like there rocking horse shit

So you're happy to fit a quick shift, but can't be bothered to cut the stick down?

Must be logic there somewhere...

Nope, can't find it.
basically cant be arsed to get a hacksaw and cut it down and then cut a thread,umm 15 mins work at the most if he had hacksaw and die
Ill have one,had a b&m one on my old fez and it was loads better than standard.
im new to pumas so dont know the parts that well, but on mk1/2 fiestas you could make a quickshift by splitting the linkage and adding a spacer, then tweaking the bottom of the stick. it possible to do this with the puma units?