Yummy Cakes and Buns for sale at FITP.


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Oct 16, 2007
The Dark Satanic Hills
We will be doing a Charity Cake sale on the XR Owner's Club stand in aid of The Willow Foundation.

It's a charity that organises special days for young adults with life threatening illnesses, not just cancer -

Life-threatening condition (active treatment, palliative care or terminal prognosis)
Advanced stages of progressive life-threatening conditions:
Muscle-wasting diseases
Diseases of the nervous system
Auto-immune disorders
Neurological conditions
Chronic organ-specific conditions

There is more info here ;

http://www.willowfoundation.org.uk/Home" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Please come and buy a bun and help raise a few quid for this very worthy cause.

Offers of assistance/bun donation etc very welcome.

If you would like to donate your buns/cakes then please let either me or Puma babe know.

Otherwise, come along, say hello, and enjoy our buns :eek:
Yay! Good stuff!

We'll round everyone up and "escort" them over to you to enjoy the cakes and dig deep in their pockets for such a good cause.

Thanks to everyone who donated cakes to sell
and a big thankyou to all the generous people that came over and bought the cakes.

You raised a fantastic £105.35 for the Willow Foundation.

Thank you
Well done and thanks to you for taking them and Brendan for conning, sorry expertly selling them to me! Good lad - even though he tried to charge me double cos I had cut one in half for me and Jenny to share - gave it to him for his cheek! he he :thumbs:
Cakes were superb as usual. I think I'm addicted to Malteaser cake. :D
Thanks guys for the yum yum cakes :)

That's a nice sum of money too - well done! :cheer:
thats a great sum of cash... Well Done !! :)

Coffee cake was yum!!

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