"Buy Aaron some pants" fund - his house has burned down :(


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Active member
Sep 14, 2009
Hi all, some of you may have heard that BentleyA (Aaron)'s house burnt down this morning. Luckily he and Lottie are OK, but they now basically don't own anything or have anywhere to live:

We are both fine, I discovered the fire, closed the kitchen door and rang the fire brigade... The rest was out of my control. The amount of damage in such little time is unbelievable. I called 999 @ 10:36am flames were put out @ 11:18am... Amazing how much damage has been caused!

The tumble dryer caught fire due to an electrical fault and then proceeded to take the kitchen with it.

The entire house is fire/smoke damaged and we can't return to it. We are now living in a hotel until the loss assessors decide what happens next although it looks like we will be placed in temporary accommodation for the foreseeable.

Computer, keys to the Pumas, Puma parts and most of our other personal items have been burnt and and not a lot left. Anything we managed to save stinks of smoke or is covered in a black film and the only clothes I have right now are the ones I'm wearing...

The feeling is indescribable but the thought that it could have been much much worse lessens the blow slightly.

Anyone who knows Aaron will know he's a straight up guy and has done a lot for the Puma community.

If he's been cool to you and you want to throw him a few quid in his hour of need, you can PayPal to:
[redacted - donations are now closed]

I will ensure it gets to him promptly.

20:14 03/03/2014 - £20 donated since last update. Total £764.84.

20:23 27/02/2014 - Had another £35 come in since the last update. Total £744.84.

19:09 07/02/2014 - Apparently people really want to see the pants! £205 has come in since I jokingly suggested it. :lol: Total now £709.84. :shock:

21:20 06/02/2014 - £40 donated this evening - taking us past the £500 mark! Total pants fund is an amazing £504.84.

17:08 06/02/2014 - £59.46 rolled in since the last update and sent on. Total now £464.84. :cool: Will we hit £500?

20:25 05/02/2014 - £59.68 in this evening, bringing the total to £405.38 - every penny of which is now in Aaron and Lottie's hands to hopefully sort them out with a few essentials. I've run out of things to say. Astonishing effort, everyone!

16:50 05/02/2014 - Had another £100.70 roll in this afternoon. Puma love is truly international having had contributions from Croatia, Norway, France and Ireland! I thought we'd cobble together a couple of hundred at most - £345.70 is incredible.

13:45 05/02/2014 - Astonishingly, £90 has come in during the morning. I actually have a tear in my eye - we've way exceeded my expectations. Thank you, everyone!

06:02 05/02/2014 - Another £40 has come in overnight and forwarded on. Running total £155 - it never ceases to amaze me how awesome the Puma community is! :thumbs:

22:38 04/02/2014 - I've sent over a further £50 that's come in over the past hour, total now £115.

21:42 04/02/2014 - I've sent over the £65 raised so far from people on here and the Facebook groups:

Pledges so far £764.84:
Ben G
Warren Penalver
Mike B
Dal and Cherie
David T
Midnight Blue
Anthony (FRP095 - France)
The Arch Bishop
Wild E. Coyote
Puma Babe
Various Facebookers and people who wish to remain anonymous

PumaNoob - Friday
When im back on my pc and not the mobile I donate what I can. Hope it all gets sorted soon :cry:
spike. said:
Give me a week of so, still recovering from paying my tax bill!
Ha - tell me about it! Nice one, though. Thanks for your support - I'm sure they'll appreciate it.
Wow... That realy sucs.... Thank god they are ok...

Not much, but just poped over the remains of my balanse.... If i can do anything more, I will...
spike. said:
hopefully they had contents insurance?
Yeah, but they basically only have the clothes on their back as of right now.
Thank you, spike. - I've received and forwarded your donation and best wishes. :thumbs:
I dunno, he can turn the ones he's currently wearing inside-out to get another day's use out of them, then back-to-front.

We've all done it... no? Just me then. :lol:
Thank you for your contribution, Yan*! :thumbs:

* spelt correctly this time
Fire is never a good thing. So sorry; hope you are OK. Everything else can be rebuilt.
Sent something to help you, as much as I could. Our whole country is on fire, as fas as our economy goes, sorry I couldn't help more
Thank you, Mr. Coyote! You've done a wonderful thing today. :thumbs:
Yvonne and Lee - I've received your donations too; thank you!