Ford Fair 2013 Chat


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This is no time to be awake. Screw you guys I'm going back to bed. :-D

Just grabbing breakfast :-D
I'm back! Well, have to say that was the most eventful Ford Fair for a while. Poor Erroll's lovely FRP was T boned by a Focus on track; don't think it was anyone's fault, just an unfortunate track accident. We're all hoping it's fixable and Tom was a star giving Erroll & family a lift home in his tow truck.

Despite the upset it was a very nice day speaking to lovely people, and the stand generated some public interest in its fab prominent position (although most attention was for the penguin and Tom's Fez...)!

Thanks for organizing again Neil!
Sad to hear about Erroll's FRP, glad he's ok in the first instance, and fingers crossed the car can be restored
9:30 and just got home. Bloody traffic on M1 oh what fun :grin:
Good day all said and done. Hope Erroll can sort his car out, a bit more than just T cut requied.....
Photo's to follow tomorrow.
Had a good day despite Erroll's unfortunate incident. Was great to meet baby Erroll too (so cute!!)
My track time was ok despite my shocking brakes and being lapped by the big boys in their cosworth monsters :twisted:
Had a great turnout again, a pleasure to see all the usual faces and good to meet some new ones :)
Thanks to Neil for organising our attendance at the event, thanks to Vix for the cake and thanks to Dal/Cherie for the sour sweet... it has actually burnt away my taste buds :lol:
Speaking of burning I caught the sun a little - so pleased it didnt rain in the end I think we had a pretty good day weather-wise.
PRIME LOCATION: Awesome spot!!! Stand looked great well done everyone for pitching in and moving your kats around.
Got a couple of bargins - rear beam flo-flex bushes for £25 plus a flo-flex exhaust mount thrown in for free, and the HCV coolant hose i've been needing - they split a kit for me and I haggled them down to £20 - bargain! :grin:
M1 on the way home... NOT SO GREAT stuck in standstill traffic due to an accident and didn't get home until 20:50 :? but thanks to Yan and his lad for dishing out the sweets! lol (wish him happy birthday for me tomorrow!)
All in all a good day.. really wish Mac was there with me too but theres always next year (miss you hunni :wub: )
I'll upload my pics soon!
Thank you:
Neil - for organising today; great turnout, and fantastic spot!
Warren - for the catering and gazebo
"The Judges" - for awarding Pippa Best Puma 2013! :thumbs:
Dal - for my valve thingy to stop my incontinent heated washer jets
Vix - for the cake. Mmmm cake!
Simon - for my lovely FRP splitter (AND brackets - what a dude!)
Steavie - for my lovely new Performance Puma T-Shirt and carbon-dipped engine cover

Dal - for that revolting sour 'sweet' you subjected my mouth to. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to taste properly again! :lol:

Hero Award:
Goes to the forum member who came to the rescue of not one, but two (at least, that we know of) Pumas during the course of the day with his flatbed! Some say he can sense a poorly Puma within a 100 mile radius. All we know is... he's called Ginger Tom. :-D

Total Bummer of the day:
Goes to Errol for writing off Pumaturbo FRP 0045. :(
(runners up - Ian and Yvonne for not being able to make it due to Puma woes)

Was nice to meet the new faces, 20+ beautifully shiny Pumas, the anticipation of waiting to see what crazy vehicle Tom would turn up in, and soaking up the atmosphere/ (a bit too much) sun! Looking forward to doing it all again next year! :thumbs:
Ginger Tom said:
Hmmmmmm, I'll not speak much of my day, all I will say is that it didn't turn out how I had planned. Just glad everyone involved in the accidents, both on track and off, are safe and sound.

I'll give you that £30 for the track session next time i'm round bud :eek:k:
did you get any pictures of the damage to errols car?
Im sure a whip around we could get it all back together