Metallic red Puma spotted near Banbury 09/03/21


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John Woodward

Well-known member
Oct 3, 2020
Near Oxford
Spotted the 02 reg. Puma that was for sale on Gumtree a few weeks ago. Distinctive as its in a metallic red, similar to Rover Nightfire red.
It was on the A4260 heading north to Banbury, didn't flash as I wasn't in my Puma.
Any new member on here own it ?
I'm not far from Banbury but mines steel blue... Haven't seen that metallic red one up this way (Southam).
I didn't spot a spoiler, but my have missed it.
I'm sure it was the one that was for sale on Gumtree a few weeks ago, that one was just north of Banbury.
As soon as you described that colour it sounded like one I saw going up and down the seafront one day in a town where I live in Somerset, never to be seen again. This must have been summer time 2019/2020 though
Its probably a one off colour, so probably the same car, assuming 99% of Puma's left on the road are still in factory colours.
I've Googled photo's of Puma's and can't find it. It was definitely an 02 reg.
Spotted it again this afternoon, on the A4260, heading south out of Deddington. I was in my Magnum grey Thunder heading north, unfortunately just on a bend, so too late to flash my headlights, but I waved anyhow.
Spotted it again on the A4260 at Hopcrofts Holt, was behind and had a wave from the lady driver, it doesn't appear to be a metallic red, just a dark red, definitely an 02 reg, though.

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