project XTC


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yeah i needed something cheap to tax and insure that still looks nice, when I have bumped up the no claims a bit I will move upwards (hmmm FRP would be nice) or just stick a 1.7 lump in mine (friendly local scrappy should be able to help)
until then project xtc will be a fun test bed for my ideas.
I popped in to Halfords yesterday, and with a sweet smile and kind words (and a bit of blaggin) managed to get my self a trade card!
I picked up a
fuel filter £3.49,
set of spark plugs 6.99,
a pair of aero blades £7.99 each
oil filter £2.76 to pick up on tuesday as out of stock.
I have fitted the aero blades but not had a chance to try them as we have had fair weather lol.

My wife took the kids to the kingfisher centre in sudbury so that I could watch the F1 race, the coverage started at 11am but no race till much later, so I took off the drivers side headlight to give it a bit of a go over with some wet and dry.
I started with 400 then 1200 then 2500 and finished with t-cut the result was a lot better.
Whilst I had the light cover out I figured I would have a go at following topmansparkies posts to fit LEDs to the light
I drilled out the holes and soldered the wires in and it worked!
now I no that I can do it I will take photos and try and do a mini guide when I do the other light.
I have not connected up the light as yet as I don't want to have just one on.
Shanosburgess said:
Something that I also noticed was that my engine breather hose had one end attached to the airbox, the other end attached to the top of the engine... unfortunately the two ends do not meet in the middle (not sure why but someone has cut about a foot out of it), the 1.7 breather hose that I had spare from the airbox I purchased was unfortunately the wrong diameter.
Anyone know the ford pat number for it?

Was probably cut deliberately, you would be better off fitting a filter to the end coming from the engine and keep it well out of the induction system altogether.
If you remove the breather pipe from the air box, blank the hole up afterwards otherwise the engine could pull air through the hole which I believe is the other side of the filter. You could end up getting un-filtered air through.....
i will clip the end thats not connected cheers for the tip!
also wondered did you get the drlr 3 working? I am half way to having my lights done, I am thinking of getting some frosted sticky back plastic and putting it on the inside of the light to see if it diffuses the light (more like the oem style lights).
I've not got any DRLs working. I've not got the inclination at the moment to start adding more wiring round the car.

I'll have a go at it at some point...
Hmmm been thinking of all the little things that I could do to the car (keeping my mind off the operation tomorrow), my good friend Tim used to have a mitsubishi 3000gt a few years back, and it had the active aero package on it, I wonder could this be modified to fit and work with a puma spoiler?
I had a quick look and found this guide for converting the spoiler to manual operation" onclick=";return false;
and this spoiler for sale on ebay" onclick=";return false;

or this one that I recon would probably do a deal and more likely to give a few of the ancillaries" onclick=";return false;

any ideas? topmansparkie does the wiring look do able?
Also spoke to a local mechanic and he has said he will change my rear bush's for £40 + parts, having read how much of a bitch the job is I'm tempted to go for it (seems reasonable) any one got a contact for the bush's cheap?
Well I have been signed off for 4 weeks now due to having cancer removed from my tongue on friday (not the kind of body mods I had planned for this month lol)
So I now have time on my hands to do some of the jobs I have purchased parts for but not had time to do.
I started yesterday by removing my other headlight and cleaning it up ready for the LED's to be installed, it went a lot easier the second time around, and a lot neater, I then soldered both sets in to the wiring for the side lights (thanks to topmansparkie for the advice on your great thread).



Today I decided to re-trim some of the panels on the car, I purchased some suede effect material from Ebay and some spray adhesive, and then followed the how to guide for re trimming panels (I did change things up a little, I left the original foam and material in situ as the foam the OP of the guide used seemed a little uneven when done (could just be the pics and in no way ment to offend).




I was really pleased with how they turned out, but my eye kept wandering to my passenger airbag cover (no air bag in my car),
it looked so black and plasticy and out of place so... I covered that as well

Not done the rear panels yet as need to take out both the kids seats and then the rear seat before I can remove the side panels (mission!)

I also started to tape out the driver side of the boot, one roll of masking tape down three too go, the plan will then be to cover the rest of the boot with plastic sheet, and then fibre glass over the tape to make a nice tight to the side sub enclosure

will update more on this as I get time to do it over next week or so (hopefully I have some glass mat and resin left in the garage)
Forgot to mention I got the rattle cans out and sprayed upper and lower front grills in aluminium, washed them down first ensured they were dry then keyed them up with some 600grit, applied 3 coats of primer and then 2 coats of aluminium.
I think it gives a slightly more modern look, overall a productive couple of days.

Got up early and finished masking and covering the inside of the boot

nearly ready to start

first layer of fibreglass is on!

Now the long wait for it to cure, need to see if I can find some spare cash over next couple of days to get some more resin and mat, time to look under all the sofa cushions lol, if not
I'm contemplating using some old T-shirts cut up and glassed in as additional strength.
I gave the car a polish and got bitten by the detailing bug...
I decided to try out the clay bar on the windows, it has amazed me how great they came out, I then gave them a polish with autoglym window polish hmmmm extra shinny and clear.

That took up a bit of my day, but still needed to find things to do to stave off the boredom lol

Next job was the fuel filter that has been in the garage for a couple of weeks, I figure that my tank is almost empty been in the red a couple of days now (I don't normally allow it to get that low), I read jackos how to guide and figured it cant be that hard!...

I got the old filter off fairly easily... then my mobile rang and I put the filter down... I put the new one on and figured the job had gone to easily, I double checked the pics in the guide and... I had put it round the wrong way :cry:
But heck just take it off and turn it round cant take long... 1 1/2 hours and three grown men later we finally managed to get the F'ing clip to come back off :evil: (why ohhh why did you use such an awkward style of fitting ford?)
I then managed to wedge the filter back in to place in the original hanger (I now know why the others have used a jubilee clip)
reattached the pipes and checked for leaks... no leaks... job done I'm once again a happy bunny :lol:
I'm liking the door cards... certainly makes it look a lot cleaner... and not in a dirt kind of way.
Sorry to hear about your health issues mate.. hope you're all ok now? :eek:k:

I like what you've done with the door cards - i like the colour its different to the racing blue you normally see. Not sure about the bit on the dash though.. i wanna get my whole dash flocked but myself i would get it all done black.
I also like your grill, and you're right, it does make it look more modern :eek:k: nice one

and whats the reason for the fibreglassing in the boot?
Shanosburgess said:
and then fibre glass over the tape to make a nice tight to the side sub enclosure

A sub enclosure which is a nice, tight fit in the side of the boot....
Re my health hopefully when I go back to see the surgeon next monday they will let me know they managed to cut it all out (fingers crossed)
the airbag cover looks better in person lol, and does help to tie the theme in together, re the fiberglass in the boot Topman got it rite first time, I need to have something that wont take up too much space in there (got to try and squeeze in a buggy for my little boy)
I have tried to ensure that any negative returns (areas that would make it hard/impossible to remove the mold from), have been thought about and squared off, it will need several more coats to get it to a half decent strength/thickness then I will remove it, trim it down and mark out the aperture shape on to a sheet of mdf.
once the mdf is cut to shape and I have figured out the position for the speaker I can cut the hole for it and then glass the mdf to the box from inside through the hole (well thats the theory but its been a few years since I last did it).
it will then be a case of deciding on the finish for it, options are carpet the front, spray it puma black or trim it in the blue suede material.. decisions decisions decisions lol

The grill worked out well not sure yet if I will take the spray cans to anything else, could be dangerous being signed off for 4 weeks lol